[b]Name: Jacklyn Lupus[/b] [b]Alias:Shadow Ninja[/b] [b]Age:21[/b] [b]Race:human[/b] [b]Gender:Female[/b] [b]Appearance:I hope it is okay if I draw her but here is her Description. She stands at 5'2, she has long straight brown hair matching her eyes with bangs that cover her forehead, when she is just Jacklyn she wears a black baggy hoodie and baggie jeans with converse.When she is The Shadow Ninja she is in an all black one piece suit that covered her whole body from the neck down.she has her black scarf to cover half her face, shin high combat boots with throwing knives in them, a belt with smoke bombs. Finally she has a long sword on her back.[/b] [b]Personality:Well she has a mix of a personality. Despite being a Ninja she is actually a very easy going person. She loves making her friends smile and laugh. Jacklyn is usually the one to calm a situation if needed. If it ranges from listening or having to fight some one she will do it. But that doesn't mean she perfect either, she has a tendency to be dramatic and is very manipulative.[/b] [b]Quirks:she tends to shut people out when she really needs them,tends to bite her nails when nervous, and her face turns really red when she is Embarrassed, confused, or a negative emotion [/b] [b]Likes:Aerobics,Gymnatics, sword fighting, animals, books, art, nature[/b] [b]Fears:Spiders[/b] [b]story: Jacklyn was given to her now adoptive parents as a payment from her real parents at the age of four. Her parents the Araki's were skilled in many martial arts such as Judo, kendo and Karate in naming the few. Having figured this out Jacklyn asked if she could be trained in Karate and Judo. She trained from the time she was 6 and learned how to fight in Kung-fu and tae-won-do at the age of 10. She had always been very hyper as a child so her father had taken her to get signed up to aerobics training and Gymnastics. Jacklyn started a life as a vigilante when she was fifteen years old. Mostly because of her father and sensei but also because it was her biological father that killed him. She had a hard time trying not to make it personal. But the girl knew that her sperm donor would try and kill some more of his "college's" so that's what started her on her on her journey. She had found him in time to stop him from killing another, it was a mob boss that her father knew. But the murder almost got away. Almost. Anyway,Jacklyn then decided to become a vigilante to try and save those she could. At first it was hard because she had to learn to jump from building to building without falling and dying but she got the hang of it and is now know for popping up at of no where...well at least to the bad guys.[/b] [b]Powers:None[/b] [b]Strengths:She has a very high pain tolerence and she is very fast[/b] (Physical or mental strengths) [b]Weaknesses:she gets angry way to easily if taunted and never asks for help[/b] [b]Skills: she can draw and write, loves to do sign language, 9th dan Black belt in Karate Red in Judo and 3rd dan black belt in Kendo,black belt 1st dan in kung-fu, 4th dan in tae-won-do [/b] [b]Rumors:One of her personnal favorites "A new type of police" [/b]