[color=f26522][h3][center]~Shina~[/center][/h3][/color] It had been a rather pleasant day for the Oni. Woke up, went to a bar and drank with some friends that morning. That was followed by her having a rather fun, usual somewhat violent sparring match with a few of her friends. After that, they all went back to her place smoked and drank some more. The pleasant part? She hadn't had to beat up some hooligan for pissin' her off. All was goin' fine and dandy. In fact, she was glad she didn't have to beat up some poor fool that thought they were hot stuff and wanted to piss off an Oni just because they thought it'd be fun to see just how strong they were. And these fuckers just [i]had[/i] to ruin it. [color=f26522]"Wahaha! I'll admit you guys aren't half bad."[/color] Shina heartily laughed as she stood over the only other conscious person remaining. He looked to have a few broken bones, and one or two more minor injuries. [color=f26522]"Even managed to bruise me. I gotta admit, you guys are probably gonna be a pain in my ass one day."[/color] For young Onis, they were indeed pretty skilled. She'd give 'em that. But well, they still lacked a key thing any good warrior needed. Experience. Hopefully, after this they'd learn to pick their targets a bit more carefully. [color=f26522]"Gave me a good fight at least...so I think I'll let you run home."[/color] She hefted the large Kanabo that was resting on her shoulders, slamming the end of it to the ground. A sadistic grin spread across her face, revealing two sharp fangs as she excitedly glared down at the younger Oni. [color=f26522]"Unless you think you can handle me. How about it? make this entertaining for me, kiddo? You win, I'll let you do whatever you want with me...I win, I get your head on a dinner plate."[/color] The other Oni scrambled to his feet, failing once or twice before managing too, quickly fleeing the scene before she made good on that promise to 'entertain' herself. Shina simply grunted, sighing in disappointment. Bah, cowards. They were never going to get stronger unless they pushed themselves to fight stronger opponents. The redheaded Oni kicked the unconscious form of one of her opponents, rolling him over. Looked like to be from some small time clan...maybe just a bunch of hooligans. Well, whatever. She took a look around the street the fight had broken out it. Most people had already cleared out and... Goddamn it, she got a little carried away, didn't she? A good part of the street had been pretty much destroyed. A few buildings had new doors, and the street was given a few new potholes. ...eh, not her problem. For the moment, the Oni simply leaned on her Kanabo, catching her breath. She wanted to calm down a bit before going anywhere else. No sense in walking into somewhere clearly agitated.