[center][B]Status: Tentatively Closed[/B] Ave! Bonjour! Hello! Illusive or Siv here. Here's my first attempt at an interest check in hopes of finding a writing partner. That's why we're here, no? [B][U]Expectations for me[/U][/B] - Writing is one of my favorite hobbies. I tend to write rather lengthy posts. However, I have no fixed length. I write whatever feels right in a given situation. - Mature writing doesn't faze me one bit. As long as it's done in good tastes and with good reason, it's a-okay with me. Unless told otherwise, RPG rules are sacred law and will be followed in all instances. I ask for the more explicit content to be kept to those who are 18+. On the other hand, I'm just as happy to write a younger audience friendly story as well. - I expect collaboration from my partner. With a writing medium such as this, whatever story we create is a joint effort. [b][u]If you aren't prepared to add to the story, we will not get along.[/u][/b] I can't emphasize this enough. - I'm very ditch friendly. However, it would be pretty swell if you gave me a heads up if you'd like to stop writing with me. No harm, no foul. - I'm open to straight and lesbian dynamics. I've tried gay couples numerous times, but it hasn't really worked out on my end. - I can write as either gender. I hope you can as well. [b][u]Support characters are something I expect the both of us to use extensively.[/u][/b] - Though not necessary, talking to my partner is one of the main reasons why I joined this site. OOC is strongly preferred, but I'll respect those who don't wish to talk outside of the IC. * denotes a craving. [B][U]Genres[/U][/B] Slice of Life *** Post-Apocalyptic **** Warfare Steampunk Pandemic Dystopia Homeland Invasion/Occupation/Resistance*** [B][U]Canon Settings[/U][/B] Harry Potter Falling Skies Walking Dead *********** Revolution *** Game of Thrones **** Overwatch* Fire Emblem: Fates ***** Fallout *** Xenosaga Star Ocean Halo --- That's it for now. I'll update this thread routinely. If anything catches your eye and you'd like to take a gamble on me, voice it here or PM me! If you'd like to suggest something, let me know. Hope to hear from you all soon! Siv[/center]