Thane was practically flying as he traversed the rooftops of Karstberg, a familiar feeling of contentment in his heart and adrenaline coursing through his veins. Truly there was nothing like the feeling of the crisp breeze and warm sun against one's face on a lovely day such as this one. As the maroon-haired courier neared the edge of the roof of what he believed to be a sort of restaurant, he mentally marked off a point on the next roof over before leaping off the edge. [i]'Alter Area: Contract.'[/i] For the briefest amount of time, the distance between himself and his desired landing point shortened. It only took a moment for the distance to expand back to its usual state, but it was enough to allow Thane to land without losing too much of his valuable momentum and smoothly transition into free-running stride. Jumping from roof-to-roof might have been an advanced parkour technique, but his choice in magic made it [i]exponentially[/i] easier to pull off. Without the momentum loss any regular traceur would take, even! All it took was a mental mark and an incantation of a verbal or mental variety. After repeating the aforementioned process several times, Thane finally reached his destination. This time, instead of placing a point on another rooftop, he placed it on the ground. [i]'Alter Area: Contract,"[/i] he thought for the umpteenth time, allowing him a safe landing as the distance between the peak of his jump and the ground shortened and snapped back into place just like the distance between buildings. Thane took in a few deep breaths as he felt his adrenaline wear off and his exertions catch up to him. [i]'Time to finish up this delivery,'[/i] he thought happily, grinning as he waltzed up to the address he was directed to. Thus, Thane exchanged the package he was carrying in his bag for a decent amount of coin before going on his merry way, along the rooftops of Karstberg once more.