[center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/66616de086a0d309acbc5a026924327c/tumblr_nph3y9lfcf1rijfv5o2_500.gif[/img] [hider=Ordinarily Unordinary][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jM55fPLNAQ[/youtube][/hider][/center] In case it wasn’t evident, the IDPD detective and Styx didn’t have the best dynamic going on. If anything, the elder held the Ankou as a thorn in his side who’s occasionally helpful. Though it wasn’t like he was trying to score any brownie points with the people in blue either. The run-in a few moments prior left him reminiscing about his first encounter with the local law enforcement soon after his transfer. Now [b]that[/b] was an experience, for both parties. He still relished the expression of that one underpaid copper when Styx’s body dissipated into a cloud of mist and appeared in front of the officer. Perhaps the IDPD should change its color scheme to more of a brown hue considering all of the life threatening experiences this district’s denizens constantly propagated. Well, it would also help the forensics team who were probably speeding their way to the site now strapped in adult diapers. It was just another day in the normally eventful Imaginary District. The sun was striking its lethargic decline over the far off horizon, giving leeway for the moon and anecdotes that are stars to exhibit their own luster. As he crossed the seemingly endless stretch of concrete blocks Styx let himself be absorbed in the calm yet electrified atmosphere looming about. He walks by city dwellers of all shapes and sizes, most of which gave him a wide enough berth as he nonchalantly waltzed his way through the streets. After the IDPD arrested him a while back, tales spread like wildfire via the spoken word. No matter how blown out of proportion some were the Ankou lacked the drive to put the flames of exacerbation out. Instead, human and yokai alike treated him with respect as a member of the deceased and escort of souls. Though actual ghosts weren’t quite fond of him, it’s against his set of rules to force them to the other side, unless they’ve devolved to malignant specters, shambles of what they once were. That was when he had to use force. Technically he abided by a modified codex, branching off of what the other Ankou followed. After all, ghosts weren’t as prevalent everywhere else as they were in the Imaginary District. So, a few addendums here, a few alterations there, and Styx basically had something to “live” by. Now he was indeed in a rush, weaving his way through passerby at a cursory pace. Mizar and Alcor’s wispy shapes stretched back as the little orbs sped their way through the air to keep up. He didn’t even pay the streetside warzone he just passed by any heed. [color=red]”Styx~! Styx~!”[/color] Alcor childishly chirped as her shimmering form finally caught up to her master and sought refuge in his jacket’s hood. Mizar was soon to follow and did the same. [color=#FFBF00]”What is it, Alcor?”[/color] His tolerance for the familiar’s youthful nature never snapped. He honestly couldn’t have asked for a cuter and warmly companion, which meant a lot for somebody without both a heart and soul. Mizar, on the other hand, was mature and obedient, almost to a fault. [color=red]”Aoyoma... eh, aayomo, um… Aoyomamamamamama~!!!”[/color] It took every ounce of his tolerance to not break out laughing at the borderline infantile nature of Alcor. She continued to fumble and stumble with her words, making countless attempts to pronounce Aoyama’s name. If Mizar had appendages or the ability to levitate objects, he surely would have a loaded weapon pointed at himself at this juncture. [color=#FFBF00]”Yes, Aoyama will be there. She’s the leader after all. Okay?”[/color] Styx reached over his shoulder during his sprint and gave the orb a quick pet. [color=#FFBF00]”Don’t worry, we’ll be there shortly.”[/color] He reassured Alcor, lest Mizar jump ship. Styx watched in appauled silence as he traced the shape of a teen leap off of the MYO building’s rooftop and make a six point five out of ten landing. Shitty form, but alright recovery. He silently glanced between the two floating orb, like they had the ability to confirm whether his eyes were deceiving him or not?! Having decided to take a rest on the facade of a building located at a street corner, the Ankou was entirely enshrouded in the architecture’s shadow. His still stunned expression was led along by an airborne maiden, who soon touched down with far more prowess than the preceding MYO member. [color=#FFBF00]”D-Does anyone walk nowadays?Guess it’s too mainstream, huh?”[/color] The reaper asked aloud to no one in particular. His two companions looked at each other and then sped their way behind both of his shoulders, ushering him onwards. The young adult entered the officer composed, and somewhat intimidating, as per the usual. His eyes instantly fell on BoobsForBrains tightly embracing the organization’s renowned leader, [color=red]”Yuri, yur-[i]mmffff[/i]”[/color] [color=#FFBF00][i]”OHFUCK.”[/i][/color] Styx quickly clasped his hand around the overly talkative spirit, who attempted to break free of the grasp by propelling itself out of his clutch. Hopefully the endearing duo didn’t hear Alcor’s chants, yet his mind couldn't spend the time dwelling over the fact that Alcor knew that term. There were far more pressing matters to attend to. “6.5/10”, or Seth was already seated a safe distance from Yuina, a wise and cautious choice. At least the human new how to value his life. Aamuu, a Tengu whose consciousnesses were always a hassle to guide to the other side, stood near the room’s entrance with her arms tightly wrapped around an article of literature. And then there was Yorick, his fellow compatriot in the not-so afterlife, announcing his present with a lethargic [i]thunk[/i] to the table’s bottom. Styx stared in utter confusion at the scene displayed before him. In an attempt to piece together any silver lining he apologized for his tardiness, [color=#FFBF00]”Sorry, leader. A case cropped up right before this, but my services weren’t really needed. [i]Konbanwa[/i], everybody.”[/color] Mizar glistened as he processed Styx’s thoughts into verbal speech. He managed to come to terms with the insanity and took his seat, finally releasing Alcor from his palm. [color=red]”Aoyimo... Aoyomo… Aiyomomomomomo!!!”[/color] Styx gave Alcor a quick poke, to which she let out a giddy laugh in response. [color=#FFBF00]”Aoyama.”[/color] He corrected his familiar before casting his line of sight down to Yorick, [color=#FFBF00]”It’s not as dark as a grave, but I guess it suffices.”[/color] He joked, his way of coping as he tried to find some shred of sensibility in this sea of insanity. Well, the MYO was still a relatively young organization, and he was its newest member to boot. He was not one to judge. [@Cinderella Man][@VitaVitaAR][@13org][@Dash375](Might edit in the morning, 2 AM here)