I do think that the MRA crowd especially when overlaps into the Gamergate and libertarian spehres is where you get these, Beta Male, Roosh V supporting, Pseudo-Rightwing numbnuts like the ones described in my starter pack. If I see a normal egalatarian male who is generally concerned for the custody rights of men [b]and is getting off his ass to do something about it,[/b] if he were to describe himself as part of the Men's rights movement, I'd have a lot of respect for him. But when you get these blank identity college age reactionaries. Who struggle with women and need a trollish cult like movement to be part of to make themselves feel important. I think [@Weird Tales] has an issue with me because while he cant deny that he is a Pro-gamergate Libertarian, MRA, I can actively assert that I'm not a Socialist, SJW, Feminist. I can actively say I dont agree with Anita Sarkeesian or Russel Brand He cant actively say he doesn't agree with Roosh V or Milo Yiannopolous I can actively say I dont support #BlackLivesMatter He cant actively say he doesn't agree with 'race realism' This is the problem when you tie yourself to a group and ideology, you become suffocated by the politics of your own movement. Rad-Feminists and Regressives do suck. But by siding with dickheads like Roosh and Stefan Molyneux and supporting Bias dumb-dumb Canadian troll bait like The Rebel you are making yourself look stupid by association. Just ditch those groups and think for yourself.