Vada walked through the halls hands stuffed deep into the pockets of her jeans. Her pants hung loose around her waist, but she didn't mind too much. She had a little pink sweater over top that showed her stomach a little. She tended to feel a little colder than most vampires due to her ice abilities. Vada had just gotten used to walking without leaving sparkling feet prints in her wake. Controlling her powers had come easy to her ever since her brother taught her. She was ruled purely by emotions so as long as her feelings were in check she had a handle on it. She glanced at the walls filled with portraits of some of the pure blood vampires and a smile appeared on her face. She looked up to them, but at the same time she resented their status. She had trouble comprehending how they were better than her and vampires like her. "Just because you've never been involved with a human doesn't make you all mighty. At least I get to pick who I spend this elongated life with," she whispered as she heard someone in one of the rooms. She knocked lightly on the door and waited for a response. [i]Maybe I can make a friend...[/i] she thought knocking again. She could sense someone in there, but she couldn't tell who exactly they were. She leaned against the wall and waited for a response. "I don't bite...much," she said with a small chuckle at her own joke.