Interacting with [@Rune_Alchemist][@liferusher] [h2][center][color=1b1464]Akio Haritama[/color][/center][/h2] Akio saw the Oni laugh at what he said, and gave her a puzzled look, before looking past the Oni to see a woman who seemed to be talking to the monster. The thought crossed his mind that maybe it would eat her instead of him, but he was surprised to see it respond to the woman with an air of nonchalance. Akio tensed up as the Oni walked closer to him, before she assured him that she wasn’t in the business of devouring people. He gave a sigh of relief as she introduced herself as Shina, and the girl who’d recently arrived as Nao. As it seemed that Shina wouldn’t hurt him, he finally was able to begin to properly relax. “[color=f7976a][b]Welcome to the Imaginary District.[/b][/color]” He heard Shina say, and he raised his eyebrows in shock, and gave a sputter. “[b][color=1b1464]You can’t be serious?[/color][/b]” He asked in disbelief. That was an urban legend, something that couldn’t actually exist. He’d heard rumors, practical ghost stories of a hidden part of the city, where magic and monsters were real and part of everyday life. As insane as it sounded, it would explain the scene in front of him, and given the fact that Oni’s clearly existed, maybe the Imaginary District wasn’t too much of a stretch. “[color=1b1464][b]You’re not joking… are you?[/b][/color]” He realized, as Shina suggested taking him to something called the MYO. He tilted his head, “[color=1b1464][b]I think I’d rather go home, if that’s possible.[/b][/color]” He interjected. This was interesting and insane, but he couldn’t imagine him faring well here, given how it seemed residents tear up streets for fun. He was very curious though, and couldn’t keep himself from asking, “[color=1b1464][b]What’s the MYO?[/b][/color]” This world seemed so different already, he wanted to know more about it.