[center]“Wouldn't be the first time someone's doubted me. I've been scanning the Magic books and have found a way to make them stronger. I use these around my home so I'm familiar with how they work, the trick I had to study was how to make them protect against Shadow Magic.”.Lye explained as she stepped into the room, her hands moving to stay on her hips. She'd rather have taken a shower but this needed to be taken care of, with a exhale she moved to the bed and began to pull the sheets off the mattress. They were safe and as long as she kept a steady flow of magic in the crystals they'd be just fine. She paused when the top layer of sheets were off and on the floor, her gaze widening the stains that colored the white under sheets. Hands rising to her hair, she tied her hair into a bun with a ribbon she'd tugged from her bag that morning. “After this I'd like to get Wolff to check on Kieran, these stains...he's lost too much blood and that's not good. I also heard about the conclusions all of you came up with, and I have an added bonus. That crystal Kieran has isn't just for healing him, it's added bonus is that it'll keep his mind safe. I have a feeling the Shadow Mage as somehow taken over his mind, and with that crystal it'll help keep him sane.” The bed now bare, she turns to the dresser that stood in the corner of the room. Opening it and finding new sheets, she tugged them out and turned back to face Clara. Her fingers twitched against the bundle in her arms, her eyes lowering after a moment to the floor. Moving to the bed she set the sheets down and then began to dress the mattress, she was glad the blood hadn't reached it. “I thank you for that, though with this victory I guess the Mage will try again with Keiran.” Lye paused and glanced up, Isabella stood leaning against the doorframe. The Ice Mage knew she had a point and with a wrinkle of her nose she rose and rolled her shoulders. “No problem, he's a friend after all. Mind helping us out? After this we need to head down and…” She let the words fade as she turned and headed for the bathroom, the copper scent of blood the next thing she wanted to get rid of. Both females could finish the bed, opening the door and crouching down to open the cabinets under the sink. Tugging out a bottle of bleach and a bucket, she rose to her feet and reached for a towel that hung on the rack above the toilet. Time to get cleaning.[/center] [@earlymorninstar]