Crim looked up from the book she was reading. She was sitting on Seralth's back. "Good afternoon Gaelin." Crim smiled at her son and got off the dragon, patting her side before turning back to him. "There's much you have learned from me and Marco, you have become very powerful and have made me proud. But there is a obstacle in our way. You know Seralth only birthed female hacthlings, well there hasn't been sightings of any other dragons." Crim walked over to her son and sighed. "I fear they could dying out." she added as Seralth roared. Quickly Crim grabbed her old bow and quiver. "Today's lesson shall be taught by Marco. All lessons until I come back." She smiled at him and ruffled his hair slightly. "You've grown into a handsome young man. I am very proud. But you need to stay here. Training isn't done for you yet." she continued to smile as her readied her weapons and laid out her old armor she had gotten as a gift for aiding the Goldenblades. "Give your father this, please." Crim handed Gaelin a note she had written up for Leo. As Gaelin left her portion of the den, Crim patted Seralth's neck and dressed in her armor. Yet again it was heavier than she had expected. Turning to her dragon she grabbed her pack of supplies and mounted Seralth. Seralth roared and dove out the balcony window of the den and flew towards the darker side of the horizon. "Let's go find the others."