[color=f26522][h3][center]~Shina~[/center][/h3][/color] [@liferusher] [@Natsu] Beating the life of someone isn't fun? Since when? Shina simply gave the younger Oni a look of disbelief. How could an Oni, of all creatures, possibly even say something so...so incredibly un-oni like? Beating the life out of someone was the best thing on the planet! Well, not actually killing someone in a friendly brawl, of course. That'd be bad. She wasn't a murderer or something, after all. She would never kill anyone in a duel or spar. Plus, she went easy on these upstart little hooligans...mostly. Some, just needed to be taught a harsh lesson. Like these morons currently knocked out on the ground. Shina simply fell silent as Nao went about talking with the human. She wasn't exactly one much for small talk, especially with someone so...squishy. Mostly because she just wasn't really good at it. Unless it was fighting, generally just joking around or messing with her fellow Onis, she didn't exactly know how to keep up a good conversation. She was thankful that Nao was more or less distracting him now. The Oni reached into her robes, pulling out her Kiseru. She was still a bit agitated, and she didn't want to go to whatever...meeting they were doing now agitated as such. She might get bored and break something. Again. For the umpteenth time. She lit the pipe, inhaling the smoke as she followed behind Nao and Akio as the humans answered the other Oni's question. Nothing special then? Meh, figures. Humans weren't exactly top of the foodchain. Sure they might have their nifty magic tricks and other things, but for the most part, their species as a whole were complete wimps. [color=f26522]"Don't worry about it, kiddo."[/color] Shina replied, sounding a bit more calm and less on edge now. [color=f26522]"Don't think you've broken any laws, but this place ain't exactly safe. If you had run into that place before I got there...well, Oni aren't the friendliest sort sometimes, since those guys were lookin' for a fight."[/color] She'd let him interpret that however he wanted to. For the most part she was simply tagging along because she felt somewhat obligated to make sure he didn't get hurt. It'd make her feel a bit bad if that happened. Stain her honor and such. She fell silent again after that, taking another long inhale of the Kiseru. Bah, she really wanted something to drink right now. She was probably gonna get yelled at whenever she got to their meeting...which she had no intention of going to that evening...or the one before that...the one before that...or, yeah.