Stride stood fast and managed to get in front of the axe, moving the music box into the fire of the Jack-O-Lantern accidentally. Stride managed to get in front of the head of the axe, defending the party's newest ally, but at a cost. One somewhat-clean chop through the neck sent Stride's head rolling onto the floor under the table, an emotionless expression washed over it, blood spurting out of the neck. Stride's body fell forwards onto the table, colliding with the Jack-O-Lantern, and simply drooping off it. Stride's head laid there emotionless, looking around at the last few seconds of life he had, his saucer rushing in and landing on the dead body, and powering off. Hopefully the new party members and Tugrok were outside the inn to go get help. The way the saucer rushed away from the party must have given some sense of urgency to the group by the blacksmith.