Fredrick Arwell While Fredrick was attentive towards the Royal;s speech, he couldn;t help but notice that alot of his jokes were becoming prophecies. "So, let me get this straight." Fredrick said to the King and Queen. "You want us three to work alongside 30,000 other people to rescue seven damsels in distress, get their light thinga-majigs to bring this kid;s ancient badass persona back from the grave like it was just a dirt nap, all the while being pursued by some evil inter-galactic mob boss and his 13 key-weilding goons? Your majesties, if you had told me this under any other circumstances, I;d assume you were a fruit cake. My life just keeps getting stranger by the minute." Fredrick paused to take another gulp of wine. He had a long day and it wasn;t over yet, he needed something to drown out his thoughts. "Welp. Can;t say I understand this gibberish, but hey, at the very least, you hired someone who gets you results." As for the girl [@SMS], hearing her say thank you was music to his ears, and she seemed to respond positively to his words. He knew they both had much to discuss, but now was a time for buisness. That being said, she had a point. While Fredrick knew more than others how important it was to get the job done, wouldn;t it be better to send your top men instead of some novice mooks? He spoke: "If this is an important mission vital to our world;s welfares, why send just anyone to do it? Don;t you have some top dogs or something for this very task?"