[quote=@GreenGoat] Hai, I'll just throw this in and hope for the best. [hider=774][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/NxXEgiN.png[/img][/center] [color=39b54a][center][h2]Nanashi (Valeria Volstok)[/h2][/center][/color][center][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img] [color=39b54a][i]“Alright, let's dance!”[/i][/color][/center] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] C A L L S I G N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]Daimyo [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] N C O R I G I N[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]Volkov [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] D - O - B[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]August 17, 2651 (27) [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] G E N D E R[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]Female [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] A P P E A R A N C E[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]She stands at about 180cm or 5'9" tall. She was unusually pale, with hair as dark as night, which reached down all the way to her butt. That combined with her red eyes made for a rather unsettling look. Without the contacts she used, her eyes are green in colour. The sword she carried would be visible at all time, sheathed in a black liquored scabbard. Both, while looking battered, looked very well maintained. Everything about her appearance could be described with those words, even the clothes she wore. Nanashi practically oozes confidence, and it is rare to see her without a smile or a grin. Or a cigarette and a bottle for that matter. [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] P E R S O N A L I T Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]Brave, foolhardy, idiotic was often used to describe this woman, though there were several other more unsavory words used as well. There wasn't a hint of fear in her, even when death was just a hair's breadth away. Those who knew her did not know whether this stemmed from courage or utter stupidity, considering all the stunts she had pulled off during her career in the now defunct White Bears squadron. Some may even get caught in her brave or foolhardy nature, as her conviction and confidence would oft pull people into believing what she does or is going to do was a good idea. She also valued instinct highly, relying on her gut feelings often when trying to solve something or when she's stuck in a bad situation. As such, she had learned to realize when a situation turned bad or if it was going to turn bad. This trait probably explains her ability to disappear suddenly if there was even a hint of something awkward happening in the room. This also means she won't do anything if her instincts tell her its bad to do so. Honor or fairness does not govern her as well, for if it was more pragmatic to shoot someone than accept their challenge of one on one sword duel, she'd shoot everything she has without a second thought. Nanashi favor smoking and drinking a lot. It doesn't matter what time it is or what people thinks; she'd drink anywhere and everywhere she likes. She's very partial to whiskey. [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] S K I L L S E T[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]She is trained to be one of a special ops mech squadron, trained extensively to fight with a mech and without a mech. As such, she was proficient in mech usage and maintenance, as well as fighting and carrying out missions without a mech. After being forced to run from Volkov however, she had started to develop her instincts and observational powers, having no one to command her or tell her where and how to move. She has no formal sword training even though she carries a sword around after her escape. No other real significant skills beyond combat. [b]Specialized Training:[/b] Learned a lot about mechs, weapons, and fighting. She leaned more towards the combat end of the training, but any pilot that doesn't know anything about their equipment was a shit pilot, and she wasn't a shit pilot. [b]Honed Instincts: [/b]She has an uncanny instinct for taking the right moves during most situation. This was mostly borne of experience in the field. [b]Observational Skills:[/b] Also something she had developed through experience, the ability to notice and process information quickly. While it may sound useless, it allowed her to survey and grasp the battlefield faster as well as allowing her to learn faster than normal. [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] B A C K S T O R Y[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]Valeria was once the member of a relatively well to do family in Volkov, whose dreams consisted of joining a mech squad and becoming a hero. Being who she was, she was accepted and started intense training to become a pilot. While not quite the ace, she was a good pilot, and with her squad claimed some victories and successes. Until one day when she became sick, and was dismissed temporarily from her squad so she could recover. That very week, everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Her squad was accused of treason for reasons she did not know, her family disowned her and then tried to capture and send her to die in some prison, and everything she has to her name was claimed by the corp. Valeria upped and ran immediately, staying only in small cities so as to not attract too much attention. Even then she would only stay briefly before moving onto the next city. For a few years, she lived like a nomad, taking odd jobs here and there, and constantly keeping on the move. She would probably have never piloted another mech again, until the city she was currently staying in was suddenly attacked. Someone apparently tipped off someone else that she might have been in that area. From the looks of their mechs, it wasn't corp goons, but just some people looking for an easy bounty to cash in. Untrained and unwashed they may be, but they still had mechs, and she could hardly fight one without having the right gears or having one herself. Fortunately, all their destruction uncovered a working mech. Unfortunately, it was an old mech made explicitly for shows. Experience won out in the end however, as their attacks were clumsy and uncoordinated, without thought, and predictable. While she was unharmed, Valeria was shaken up by the incident. From then on, she changed everything about her that she could, styling herself differently, and taking on a different name and mannerism completely different to the society that she grew up in. She took the theme of the mech she used and ran with it, taking all the time she could to learn about the society that the mech symbolizes. While she was in less danger from being spotted and captured for some meager bounty now, she still had to find money to live on. And after a few months of small fries and small pay, she accepted some oddball's contract in Anchorage, hoping with all her heart the job wasn't a dud. [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] T H E M E C H[/sub][/color][hr] [hider=Daimyo][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LtNqR25.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] [indent][color=a2d39c]A mech designed for shows and conventions, it had two swords, one rifle and a naginata(unfolded on the back in the above picture), and nothing else. It was meant to be able to move beautifully while it pulls off stunts to amuse the crowds, hence the bright colors and golden trimmings. The joints were crafted with great care, allowing for a larger range of actions as well as making it's movements smoother and more natural. Having no extraneous systems to power as well as the armor being only slightly thicker than normal meant the mech could move faster and operate much longer as well. The boosters and verniers installed were functional but unremarkable. The swords and naginata's blades was eventually replaced with blades made for actual combat, and the rifle was modified to chamber more common high caliber ballistic rounds. Its still a bolt action that hold only 5 bullets in its well however. Nanashi named everything herself. [b]Two Swords,The shorter sword named Koryuu and the longer Hiryuu:[/b] Solid blades made of hard metal. Their scabbards have been fitted with a trigger mechanism to launch the blades out of the scabbard, allowing them to be drawn faster. [b]Naginata:[/b] A spear/glaive like weapon that folds when put on the mech's back for easy storage. Nothing beyond that save that its very durable as well. [b]Tanegashima rifle:[/b] A bolt action rifle chambered for more common high caliber balistic rounds. Hold 5 bullets in its well, not including one chambered round. [/color][/indent] [color=39b54a][sub][ ⛨ ] R E L A T I O N S[/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=a2d39c]No one.[/color][/indent][/hider] [/quote] Alright, I’ll get started on the review process here so hold on to your hat. Starting off, I’d like to say that the callsign of daimyo doesn’t really fit for a mech that is of [i]Volkov[/i] origin I feel like. It’d possibly work with a [i]Red Star[/i] origin. A minor inconsistency, but one that probably should looked at. I’m also looking at the name (nickname?) of Nanashi and see no mention to explain where she got this name to begin with? If she’s from the heartlands of the Volkov Corporation especially so. The no formal training and carrying around a sword confuses me and it will need clarification. Her backstory seems palpable, but it does come to mind of various concerns. Her entire family thought doing relatively well in aspirations to become NC pilots? I suppose if she wasn’t well off and from a frontier town this would make some degree of sense but you state specifically they were “well to do”. It is far more successful to be behind a desk than a cockpit in the corporation’s eyes— even if NC compatibility is not commonplace. Which brings me to the mention of her second NC that was built for shows. NC’s are not basic bipedal tanks, they specifically have extraordinary technology that requires synthesis between those who have the ability to synchronize with the technology to become fluid machines of war that were above all other developments. The neural plug is technology implanted and surged with your spine and nervous system— no NC that was built with this in mind would ever be used for “show” and due to the state of affairs in the 22nd century where NC’s originate from in their earliest incarnations was a time of war and suffering. There would be no time to waste resources for a “show” NC or even normal mech. I am quite sorry but this just would not work and I am not sure how it is feasible. As for the mech section detailing armaments and description… the above override whatever I have to think here.