[h3]Mayt Derren Marris - Train[/h3] [b](Foul language warning)[/b] Mayt lurched slightly as the train began moving, and shifted the magazine he had in his hands so that the shift didn't bother his reading any. He didn't know exactly how long the trip was going to be, but he had brought along some blankets, as it was already getting fairly late and he'd need sleep eventually. After finishing several articles in the magazine he had been reading Mayt decided to go ahead and try to get some shuteye, but just as he got into a comfortable position against the window he looked up to see a rather suspicious individual walking down the corridor of the train. They were dressed in a crimson cloak, a simple blank mask covering their face, and dark clothes covering the rest of their body; if that wasn't suspicious, Mayt didn't know what was. He was just getting up when he saw them stop next to one of the sleeping passengers. [color=lightblue]"Geez, you look like shit,"[/color] said a female voice near Mayt, catching him off-guard. However, when he looked towards the source of the voice no-one was there, and by the time his attention had returned to the suspicious individual before him they were already in the middle of stabbing the sleeping passenger they had been standing beside. Mayt cursed under his breath and drew his weapon. [color=50c787]"Hey!"[/color] He shouted at them as he quickly approached. The dark mage turned towards Mayt, and magically produced a sword not unlike his own before attacking. Mayt parried the attack and made one of his own, only to have it caught in another blade identical to the previous one, throwing him off balance. The figure then would kick Mayt in the chest, sending him to the floor of the train, before turning and making a quick getaway to the front of the car. He groaned slightly as he hit the floor hard, and was shortly glad he had been knocked on his ass as he noticed a what seemed like a bomb under the seat besides him. In the future he would describe how it looked simply as 'Angry,' though at the time he didn't really bother coming up with the description. [color=50c787]"Shit, everyone take cover!"[/color] He quickly rolled onto his feet and covered his ears. The bomb took just long enough for it to feel awkward before detonating, throwing the train of the tracks voilently. Mayt felt more than heard several other explosions along the rest of the length of the train. Mayt grunted and groaned as he slowly started forcing himself to stand up, mentally feeling around his body for anything that was broken. From what he could tell, it all was or none of it was. Judging by how well getting up seemed to be working, he was inclined to believe the latter, though when he put his left hand against the ground to pusdh himself up his wrist hurt like almost nothing he had ever felt before. He cursed under his breath as he rolled onto his back, away from the throbbing pain, before starting to slowly move to his feet without using that particular limb. [color=50c787]"Damn... Dark Guilds... Ruining all my clothes..."[/color] He muttered, trying to distract himself from the pain. It wasn't working. Once he reached his feet he looked around for his sword, and winced slightly as he noticed it impaled in a body. He limped over to it and grabbed the hilt, closing his eyes and wincing again as he slowly pulled it from its resting place, not being able to bring himself to look at the corpse. Once he had finished that endevour, he turned around to survey the scene. To say it was bad was an understatement; there were bodies, debris, parts of trains, and so on strewn about around him. This was the kind of thing Mayt had heard causes PTSD, and he felt a twinge of worry before noticing the cloaked individual was standing, looking completely fine, over by the overturned train. Readying his sword, Mayt approached them cautiously. They had shown to be more powerful than him once, and he wasn't quite so beat up then. [color=50c787]"Hey! Who are you?"[/color] The mage turned around and looked at Mayt, their featureless mask unnerving him slightly. [color=50c787]"What do you want? Why did you attack this train?"[/color] Mayt shouted at them, halfway between furious and afraid. They didn't respond, and simply looked at him. Mayt hesitated some, judging the situation. He doubted he could take them on in a fight, but that was probably the only way he'd get an answer. He sighed heavily, and mentally hated himself for what he was about to say. [color=50c787]"Alright, well I'm not stupid enough to try and fight you, so do whatever you're going to do and go away. Unless it's killing me, in which case I guess we'll have to fight,"[/color] Mayt said, leaving the tip of his weapon against the dirt. The masked mage said nothing as they turned and walked away from the burning train, and Mayt sighed heavily before starting to move around the area serching for survivors, he found a few, but not nearly as many as he would have hoped. Once he got a moment he checked his pockets for the lacrima with his guild, and cursed again as he couldn't find it. [color=50c787]"Agh, dammit. Grr... I hope that Jarvis notices I disappeared then,"[/color] he muttered to himself as he started making his way towards where the front of the train had fallen over. They probably had a way of communicating with HQ, right? Mayt took a deep breath as he walked. They were well more than a days walk from the nearest town, and that was assuming everyone could walk at a normal pace, which he knew wasn't possible. [h3]Gregory Vale -- A While Ago[/h3]Gregory watched Rosalina's actions solemnly, and he took a breath, producing his own knife and slicing his hand in a simmilar manner. [color=Silver]"It'd be prudent to be careful who you share your blood with,"[/color] he'd take her hand in his firmly. [color=Silver]"I know a few people who would use it to undo you,"[/color] his voice would be calm but firm, and he would look her in the eye, quickly changing the subject. [color=Silver]"I vow on my blood, that I will do all that I can to help you and Luna to expung her of the title 'Dark Wizard.'"[/color] As their hands released, Gregory offered Rosalina one last smile, before handing her a lacrima with his uncut hand. [color=Silver]"I'll contact you through this when it's time, or through a paper airplane in your window, whichever is most convenient,"[/color] at this, he would turn to leave her there, figuring the matter handled for that evening. [color=Silver]"Stay alive, Rosalina, it'd be a shame to see a lovely lady such as yourself dead."[/color] [@Leslie Hall]