[quote=@Cynder] Certainly, love. You just must love my readings. As previously mentioned, you're a Scorpio and you likely have a mortal enemy that is a Taurus. Judging on your previous "incident", I think it's fair to say that this is absolutely the case. Also, your birthday is one day short of the best holiday of the year and that must completely suck. Anyway, back to the [i]actual reading. . .[/i] You are born during the first arc of the Scorpio season. Perhaps you're frustrated by creativity that you cannot seem to express? This does seem to be impossible for Scorpios born in your arc especially due to your closeness with Libra. Based on your birthday, I'd recommend Pisces, Cancer, Capricorn and possibly even Gemini for you. You may also find luck in Sagittarius, Aquarius and maybe even Libra. [/quote] Nice. Now, can you do it again, but this time, rrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaalllll slow-like. And whisper it in my ear. [sub]But for real, thanks.[/sub]