[center][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/logocomics/images/6/6e/Young_Avengers_Presents_Hulkling_(2008)_Marvel_logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/300?cb=20150410182755[/img][/center] If you had asked Hulkling what he figured he would be doing today, getting attacked by flying dinosaurs would be... eh... 18th on the list. Still he needed a moment to gather his sense of ‘wtf’-ness when he came out to the gaping hole in the roof of the jet and saw in the skies overhead a large grouping of pterodactyls attacking the ship. Sprouting wings Hulkling took to the skies with Reptil and Ms. America to kick some Jurassic ass. Staying out of the discussion about Quetzal-a-thingies Hulkling finally piped in when the topic of Stegron and his involvement in the pterodactyls. “These birds might just be attacking the ship thinking its some weird new animal or something...” Hulkling called back to the others staying in the air with his ironically pterodactyl like wings. “I mean I’m no dinosaur expert but I’m pretty sure being a dinosaur whisperer isn’t possible either.” Before he could provide a keen point by point reasoning behind his assumption. Kate spoke into their ear pieces and on cue Hulkling saw the jet starting to seriously nosedive towards the island below. Panic set in for the young SHIELD agent, as he didn’t want to have to explain away a piece of SHIELD property being blown to bit. Flying down, struggling to keep up with the jet, Hulkling got near the roof and with a grunt dug his hands into a portion of the top of the jet. Pulling back with all his might to try and get the jet out of its death spiral. The small lift back to a straight position though wasn’t fixing matters so he needed to go to plan B quickly. Hulkling stayed with the jet, clawing his way down towards the cockpit where he saw Kate still frantically trying to save the ship herself. “Kate I’m coming in, don’t move.” Hulkling said into the communicator. Lifting himself into the air slightly and before Kate could even finish asking “Wait how are you planning on getting in-”. Hulkling put all his weight into his shoulder, slamming through the roof of the jet and grabbing Kate in midair before slamming through the floor of the jet. Swooping down and around the now completely screwed jet as it fell. “JESUS CHRIST HOLY SHIT I HATE YOU THAT WAS THE FUCKING COOLEST THING EVER!” Kate’s screaming in complete hysteria as Hulkling held onto her tightly. Trying to catch up to America and Reptil who were airborne themselves.