Abigail looked over at Brooks again. Her body language said she was scared, but he'd know better than to assume Abigail was frightened of such a common situation in their line of work. "If things get hairy..." she whispered, voice tremulous with non-existent fear, "...promise me you'll fight tooth and claw." Abigail looked back at Eli, bottom lip shaking as if she was going to cry. "O-okay mister, we don't want any trouble, fuck's sake please don't shoot us!" she responded, as if the sudden reality of the situation dawned upon her the moment the group started actually getting violent. She didn't reveal her pistol, but instead slipped it under the passenger seat and made a mental note of where it is. Abigail clenched her jaw so hard that her teeth ached as she opened the door - she might've been scared and uncertain on the outside, but on the inside she was pissed off. She had come from a place where even the police wouldn't dare touch her, she had earned her reputation the hard way, slogging her way from being 'Brooksy's little girl' to something terrifying in its own right...the shadow in the Tin 'n' Lint, the blackmailer, the one who pulled the strings. If she was back home, she would've complied until she was out of ear-shot and that little iPhone would've been out in seconds - a few whispered orders and Eli would've never seen the light of day again. It was jarring being so helpless, but Abi knew she still had several nasty tricks up her sleeve, so she played along. For now. Abigail held her hands behind her head, shaking from head to toe, avoiding Eli's gaze. "I don't want any trouble, mister," she repeated tentatively. "Didn't we just say we weren't here to shoot you?" The temptation to lob the whole goddamn truck at Eli's head was becoming even more irresistible. Her mind was reeling with all of the plans, the what-ifs and maybes that she could use to make an escape...but where would they run? As far as either of them knew, this was the only safehouse in the county. So why were these people here? They weren't prepared for Abigail and Brooks' arrival, so what were they-... Abigail's stare shot to her feet as she emitted a little sob to cover her shock. She couldn't deny the possibility that the people in front of her were just as jumpy because they were using the safehouse; Jimmy was an arse and if she had the means, Abigail would've had him punished for making such a stupid mistake. "W-we got nothing to steal, neither. I mean, just look as us." Abigail tried to keep Eli occupied whilst she scrambled for ideas and new plans based on this new realisation. She was right, though - she looked like a tramp in a rusty old pickup truck. She kept looking over at Brooks pleadingly, helplessly, hoping to pull the pity act a bit further to convince her audience. There was nothing she could do but wait to see what Eli and his merry band of wannabe actors had in store for her; if it wasn't what she wanted, Abigail could just as easily barricade the mineshaft door and take out Eli with a rock or something. They could escape if they had to, but she really didn't want to go driving into the unknown again.