"We do," answered Emperor Michael, "that's why I, Tocsax, the Empress, and my retainers, Damnianos Sardis," he gestured to the 18-year old wizard in blue, "and Giorgios Kyros," a gesture to the 18-year old in special forces armor who carried only a shield, "are coming with you. However, the problem is that Alternate Earths are [i]big[/i], and so for the first few worlds, until your group gets stronger, we will be distracting the main threats, geopolitical and magical, while you find the Princesses of Heart." "Basically," spoke Maria, "we are going to be flashy and powerful, while you guys do the real work for real rewards. While as for why Leo hasn't won already..." "That's because the Thirteen Seekers are not quite complete," Tocsax then shuddered. "Leo is fixated on having the last one - the last person he would implant his heart into, being me. And without a complete set, he's only on the verge of victory, not quite over it." "And you've done well in fighting him off," Emperor Michael smiled, before he looked at the group, and continued: "Anyway, any more questions? My staff wants to show you to your rooms." [b][i]Timeskip; questions can be asked and answered in Flashbacks[/i][/b] The rooms the trio were taken to were in one of the Palace's guest wings, and each were the equivalent of a penthouse room at a five-star hotel, with air-conditioning, beds covered in purple fireproof silk with white matresses and pillows, Egyptian Carpets, and of course, room service. Not merely that, but their chambers also had a 'back door' that would lead to a pleasant garden with a fountain at the centre, ringed with tulips, where the three can talk in peace...