“Get in close.” Arassel raised one perfect eyebrow at this, even as she moved to circle around the opposite flank of the enraged Gnoll, both Zin and herself having narrowly avoided being cloven in twain by a swing from its vicious polearm not moments before. She heard his words, spoken in a rough dialect of Elvish that was nevertheless quite close to her own, and would act accordingly but knew that simply rushing in would get her killed – this Gnoll was full of adrenaline, its hair bristling in tufts from its body, a look of crazed anger in its eyes. Nor could she simply shoot it, even her reflexes not fast enough to grasp her bow once more and fire an arrow before being charged. They needed a distraction... As gently as she could, half-canine hybrids often sensitive to 'unnatural' acts, she let her mind drift upward and connect with that of her companion; help arriving on near-silent wings, armed with talons that gouged and wings that flapped furiously. Thrathnere provided the distraction that was needed, the Gnoll lashing out savagely but ultimately in vain at the mass of feathers and sharpened limbs, the Wood Elf taking this opportunity to yell a quick “now!” To her partner-in-combat, gathering what [i]Khala[/i] she could as she moved her weapons aside and simply tackled the larger creature around the midriff, planting her shoulder straight into its midriff and beneath the flailing swings of its weapon. Though she had not quite taken it to the ground, the Gnoll was certainly overbalanced, the huge Raven and Arassel both providing all the disarray that Zin might require to finish what had been started. [@Fuzzybootz]