[@Hostile] If that's the case, why don't we just do the ES and FE crossover? I'm more than okay with that. I'm very familiar with both of those universes. More specifically Fates and Skyrim. I think we can go ahead and move the rest of the conversation to PMs. Can you start that one? [@TheMinorFall] I've thought about it some more, and I actually think a post-apocalyptic themed story would be really cool. If you'd be willing? Total change in direction of idea pitching so far, but I've been entertaining a total blackout setting. If you're familiar with Revolution, the idea is highly inspired from there. I think this will give us a lot of possibilities with regards to tweaking and changing the story whereas the Halo/Destiny setting more constrict what themes we can follow. Not sure if that made sense. It did in my head. Words are hard lol. Let's go ahead and move the rest of these talks to PM.