He was watching from another person’s eyes his own childhood memories. There he was, playing with his brother, or leaving secret notes for his second mother, who crept in and daintily examined them. She hadn’t missed anything, and had taken it upon herself to always watch them it seemed. Then suddenly the bridge to those memories was destroyed, and Saeril pulled her horse away from Kili’s pony. The dwarf took but a minute to realize that Saeril ahd shown him what she wanted him to see, and now was done with it for the time being. Was she hiding something? Kili had to think about it for a moment. It was definitely an unpleasant thought that interrupted his previous vigor for adventure. “Fili, I think-“ Kili’s words were cut off by the hobbit’s commentary on the forest, which was another unnerving thing. The forest did look as if something were off about it. He was no lumber jack, but he didn’t like the looks of the forest. “Let’s just make this part o’ the trip quick right?” Kili completed his sentence. If his brother knew him, he was saying he’d bring up his thoughts on the first troubling matter later. - Saeril wasn’t far from the others at all. She had however, journeyed to the other side of the ‘pack’. As they entered the forest area, the shadows of the trees caste heavily on the party. Saeril’s side of the pathway was no exception. Beside her, matching the pace of the pony, seemed to be none other than the silhouette of Tajjus. He would say nothing as his shadow flickered beside her, until the last blotch of sunlight caught his helmet’s eyes, where another blackness resided. “Saeril. That’s a very nice name you have.” Tajjus said quietly, “I’m quite surprised you weren’t kind enough to give it.” His dry sense of humor kicked in, though his voice still did not waver. He was careful to not make a sound, all the while he was in a position, whispering at a level only the she-elf could hear.