The twisting blue energy followed Ren into the mist, pulling his body and soul out of the darkness that it hid within. Nexus held his newly formed blade at the ready, allowing his magic to worm its way into Ren's body and burn him from the inside out, but as he was about to strike the killing blow, Ren's dark form faded, and revealed the boy as he was before, burnt and broken before him. Nexus loosened his stance and stood down, dispelling his darkened form and returning to his standard set of light armor. The blue clad warrior was taken aback, unsure of how to react to this new revelation. He'd just lost himself moments earlier, and now Ren was helpless? "I should... I should put you out of your misery. But-" Nexus turned his head towards the book that was now in tatters on the floor. "I've done all I've come for."