[@Charnobylisk] [@SouffleGirl123] [@POOHEAD189] [@Pundii] Okay, few quick notes. I have updated the room listing to remove the inactives. (One still remains but that will be removed after my next post or two - once I post for Desh again) - Char and I are working on a collab that will go up after Souff's next post most likely. This day is going to go by quickly, well post wise. We have several time jumps occurring soon - To August 5th for Cass's birthday, to Claire fight on August 9th, & August 18th for Alc's Birthday. (anyone that has any ideas for these, please post them here in OOC or pm the person you want to work out details with. Or as always, catch each other in chat!) (Also I have updated the character relations for my characters for grins and giggles.)