[center] [center][h2] [color=ed1c24]Updated Posting Order[/color] [/h2][/center] * [@Lurkerlurks] * [@Jangel13] * [@Lasrever] * [@PatrickDrummer] * [@Marshal] * [@IgnisMendacium] [/center] [h2][color=fff200][center] Activity Check[/center][/color][/h2] Hey there, it's been about a month since UNRAVEL has started up and I need to do this thing called an activity check. It will run from 8/13 to 8/23. That's more than enough time considering I haven't had a leave of absence from any players. Pretty much, the arc is coming, and i'm not starting it with dead characters :l AND by the way, when i say dead I mean, once gone from this roleplay they die. Ghoulfewd. :3 Just post anything [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/131451-unraveling-the-world-a-tokyo-ghoul-based-roleplay-18-for-gore-relate/ooc?page=2#post-3829959]Here[/url] It needs too be in proper format [hider][i]Username and if your active, away(&for how long you will be away for), or Leaving[/i]- [b] Character or characters you have[/b][/hider] Immediately after the activity check, the first mini arc will start. I will post the plot too it, both IC and in the Interest check. Good, playing with you all :3