[h1][i][center]REVENANT[/center][/i][/h1] The idea behind Revenant stemmed from the phrase '[i]Dirty Dozen in space[/i]', but '[i]Suicide Squad in space[/i]' works as well. It is a science-fiction role play taking place in the year 2166, chronicling the adventurers of the crew aboard [i]the Revenant[/i]. The crew is composed of 'degenerates': mercenaries, assassins, bounty hunters, smugglers, pirates, convicts, etc. They have been coerced (persuaded, hired, or forced) to work for the Human Alliance, who wants to use them to destabilize their rivals: the Federation. Before long, however, the crew learns of an even greater threat, one that threatens the galaxy as a whole. Each player-character will begin with little to no backstory. The idea is for everyone to begin as a stranger. As the crew learns to work with and trust one another, they will gradually reveal more about themselves. [hider=Short background]Humanity achieved FTL travel fifty years ago, in 2116, and joined the galactic community. Most of the sentient races were collectively governed by the Republic, a group of senators that debated intergalactic laws and policies and helped maintain peace and order from the planet Corvais. The Human Alliance refused to join, not wanting to be barred by unnecessary laws and Republic politics. Human expansion was left unchecked, and they quickly colonized habitable worlds that would have otherwise been given to the Republic races. Those races who were halted by human expansion and opposed the Alliance were let down by the Republic, who failed to stop the humans growth. Before long, dozens of systems and races seceded from the Republic, forming the Federation. A cold war was effectively in place between the Federation and the Alliance, and the Republic's power diminished. Five years ago a terrorist attack on Corvais prompted the Federation to attack the Alliance, who in turn defended themselves and declared war. The Corvais Wars only lasted for 3 months, but it was devastating to both sides. Whole colonies were destroyed and once-beautiful planets deemed inhospitable. The Republic finally convinced both sides to sign a treaty. When the war ended, the Federation and the Alliance retreated and started to rebuild. [/hider] The Alliance knows another war with the Federation is inevitable. They seek to win the war before it even begins, and they plan to do this via [i]Project: Revenant[/i]. Attempting to perform covert activities with their own operatives may cause a war prematurely, so the Alliance plans to use mercenaries to destabilize the Federation. In order to accomplish their tasks, these mercs have been given an former Alliance frigate now known as the [i]Revenant[/i]. [h3][u][i][b]Combat and Role Play Special Rules[/b][/i][/u][/h3] Each character has certain skills and abilities of your choosing. Throughout the course of the role play, on certain missions, these skills and abilities will be needed to progress further in the story. These skills can range from pilot and engineer, to medic and demolitions expert, and even technician and robotics expert. Be creative and try to think of unique talents for your character. In this setting, weapons are either [i]Ballistic[/i] or [i]Laser[/i]. Armor is either [i]Armored[/i] or [i]Powered[/i] (uses shielding technology). Ballistic weapons use traditional bullets and ammunition, and are good at 'shredding' Armored opponents, but is ineffective against Powered armor. Laser weapons can disrupt and weaken shielded opponents, but is ineffective against Armored opponents. Conversely, rapidly-firing weapons are more effective at draining shields, and slow, high-caliber weapons are effective at chipping away Armored targets. Some weapons overheat, and Laser weapons can be affected by EMP blasts. You need to use the right weapon with the right capabilities to succeed at combat in this role play. In this setting, exposure to an unknown energy found throughout space has given certain individuals psionic powers. They can shield themselves with powerful force fields, push and pull opponents with their mind, blast enemies with psionic bursts, turn invisible, and more. Some powerful psionic users can even use mind control. If you would like to use psionics, and want to use a certain power, feel free to ask me if it is okay. [h3][u][i][b]The Revenant[/b][/i][/u][/h3] [img]http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx42/burt_reynoldz_mustache/ZZZPirate.jpg[/img] The Revenant is an early model frigate that belonged to the Alliance. It vanished in Deadzone, a lawless region of space ripe with mercenary gangs and pirates, but it was recently recovered and upgraded. As far as anyone else knows, the Revenant is still missing, so no one will suspect it to be under Alliance control. By filling the ship with mercenaries, criminals, and other thugs, the theory that it was stolen by pirates is only made stronger. It is the perfect vessel for Project: Revenant. This particular frigate can support a crew of up to 30 individuals. It contains a sizeable cockpit, war room, crew's quarters, and cargo area. While dated, it has been upgraded by Alliance personnel and is capable of stealth operations and combat situations. [h3][u][i][b]Characters[/b][/i][/u][/h3] [hider=Characters][b]Name[/b]: Any names or aliases you go by. [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]: Alien races are allowed, but they should be somewhat humanoid. Be creative and feel free to develop their own culture and history if you want. If you need additional space, feel free to add a description/history of the race at the bottom of the bio. [b]Appearance[/b]: The physical appearance of your character. A description or picture is suitable. [b]Occupation[/b]: What was their 'job'. Mercenary? Assassin? Ex-convict? [b]Weapons[/b]: What kind of weapons do you have? Are they slow or fast? Ballistic or laser? Do you use grenades? Are the grenades ballistic, or do they emit EMP blasts, etc? [b]Armor[/b]: A description or picture of your armor. Is it Armored or Powered? Does it have any special capabilities? [b]Items[/b]: Any personal items that may be important to your character, as well as any gadgets that you use. [b]Skills[/b]: Any 'passive skills' your character has. Are they a good pilot, engineer, renowned for their stealth, know a lot about robotics, cybernetics, are they technicians, demolition experts, trackers, a good cook etc? Be creative and think of [i]any[/i] talent you want - I will do my best to have the skill be of use in the RP. [b]Powers[/b]: Do you have any psionic abilities? If so, what are they? Do you have any race-specific abilities (super-strength, for example)? [b]Other[/b]: Any additional information you want to add? Remember, do not reveal to much about your personality or backstory. [code][b]Name[/b]: [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]: [b]Appearance[/b]: [b]Occupation[/b]: [b]Weapons[/b]: [b]Armor[/b]: [b]Items[/b]: [b]Skills[/b]: [b]Powers[/b]: [b]Other[/b]:[/code][/hider] [u][b]Player Characters[/u] (the Crew of the Revenant)[/b] [@TJByrum] as Stryker (Bounty Hunter) [@crossfire] as Maverick and SAL (Assassins) [@BlackPanther] as Tokala (Thief) [@orlan] as Brett Riveria (Thief, Assassin, Spy) [@lucidnonsense] as Captain Skullface (Space Pirate) [@jordy0403] as Shade (Contractor) [u][b]Non-Playable Characters[/b][/u] [b]Executor Lara[/b] - A high-ranking official in the Alliance. Technically, Lara's political and military power is shared with the other Executors, who govern the Admirals of the Alliance Fleet, and who are all commanded by the Chairman. The reality is, Lara may be the most influential and most powerful individual within Alliance command. [b]Captain Dawson[/b] - An officer of the Alliance Navy who works closely with Executor Lara. He's also Lara's direct contact when dealing with the Revenant crew.