Returning character, coming through. [B][U]Name[/U][/B]: Uchiha Ria [I][U]Nickname/Alias[/U][/I]: Archer [I][U]Gender[/U][/I]: Female [B][U]Age and date of birth[/U][/B]: 14 Years Old, 12/4/462 [I][U]Age Appearance[/U][/I]: Actual Age, 14. [I][U]Sexuality:[/U][/I] Straight [I][U]Parents:[/U][/I] Uchiha Rihan and Uchiha Tsugumi [I][U]Length and build[/U][/I] 5'3 ft, slim and fit. [I][U]Weight[/U][/I] 120 lbs [I][U]Favorite weather and season[/U][/I] Winter and Autumn [img=] [B][U]Village[/U][/B]: Konohagakure [I][U]Birthplace[/U][/I]: Konohagakure [I][U]Organization[/U][/I]: Konohagakure [B][U]Clan/Bloodline[/U][/B]: Uchiha/Sharingan [B][U]Rank[/U][/B]: Genin [B][U]Chakra Nature[/U][/B]: Fire [B][U]Appearance[/U][/B]: [IMG][/IMG] [B][U]Personality[/U][/B]: [I]"I don't do anything I don't have to. What I have to do, I do quickly."[/I] A laidback and friendly maiden, Ria presents an aloof yet friendly aura at first but once you get to know her she displays a rather friendly persona. She is truly neutral in the way things go for her, mellowed in a point where her flow rides along with conscience, Ria has weird sense of humor and a knack of teasing people in their serious moments likewise getting friendly with her is as fun as you think. Naturally, entrusting an errand to her is something you do not want to do because she takes things in an extravagant way but nevertheless her creativity is something worth praising and her decision making benefits herself merit, resulting her in a portrayed manner where either she is hated depending on her actions. [img=] [U][B]History[/B][/U]: Born from the legendary Uchiha, ones loyalty is served to Konoha solely, thy existence shall serve worth to both the clan and the village never again to question the principles of loyalty, what is a clan? what is a village? what is a shinobi?. As the daughter of the current generation of Uchiha, Ria is determined to prove her worth as a Kunoichi and bring pride to her Clansmen and Village but this is something very questionable. For a Kunoichi like her she is like a cloud, wherever the wind takes her she follows, naturally making decisions that benefits herself merit, resulting her in a portrayed manner where either she is hated depending on her actions. Ria cherishes her family deeply, having a stable relationship with her parents and siblings and as the elder said two heads are better than one, she looks a lot like her Mother, Tsugumi and shares her Father, Rihan's charisma. At the age of 7, she is thought by her parents the basic essentials of a Ninja, archery is one of the basic essentials in their parenting policy because with archery, food is easy. Another essential to take in account is patience because with it, you are able to stay calm like the wind and bring forth better results of the things you do, the third essential of policy is to believe in yourself and never give up, Ria have good parents and they always find time for each other, generally Ria and her family always train with each everyday. The last essential of policy is critical thinking, ones decision is measured by not what you think but the consideration of everyone's opinion formulating it with your own, resulting to a better outcome, likewise Ria sacrificed her time for herself in exchange with being a Daddy's girl and Mommy's girl figure but in the end it's all worth it. As to that result, Ria gained a calm mind and principles that will change her life and see the positive insights and discern it from the negative ones. [I][U]Theme Song[/U][/I]: [youtube]nx-vNMY5it4[/youtube] [B][U]Weapons/Items[/U][/B]: [hider=Weapons or Items] [B]Name of Weapon or Item:[/B] Tsubaki [B]Description:[/B] Folding fans with outer spokes made of heavy plates of iron which were designed to look like normal, harmless folding fans or solid clubs shaped to look like a closed fan. It is said that one could take these to places where swords or other overt weapons were not allowed, and some swordsmanship schools included training in the use of the tessen as a weapon. The tessen was also used for fending off arrows and darts, as a throwing weapon, and as an aid in swimming. Ria's fan is used for deception and fanning her flames. The con of her skill is despite being skilled, she can't take down a Jounin leveland stronger opponents. [B]Appearance:[/B] [IMG][/IMG] Ria also have basic ninja tools like kunais, smoke bombs and shurikens. She also have wires. [/hider] [B][U]Skills/Abilities[/U][/B] [I]Alternative thinking[/I], as to being thought with principles and moral values, Ria is neutral and solves things in her own way and of course taking advice from adults to result a better formula whether to see if this is a good thing or not. [I]Archery[/I], one of the basic essentials thought by her parents, it is a survival rule that in Ria's lineage of Uchiha, Rihan's side of course. With archery, you are ready to face the world and the wild. This is not applicable to fighting, having Ria has a different style of fighting whereas archery is a basic essential for food, Ria's family motto is, the wild foods are better than market!. [B][I]Tessenjutsu[/I][/B], the art of using the war fan[I](See Temari from the original Naruto series)[/I] is Ria's own way of fighting. This form of fighting is similar to that of Kenjutsu, using the fan is the art of deception and fanning your own element and creativity in conjunction with a taijutsu form of dancing. [I]Cooking[/I], not for just because reasons that a woman or wife should stay in the kitchen, this is one of the essentials thought to Ria and of course, Ria herself is good at cooking, her role in her family is cooking in the house. She cooks dishes basely on fishes and meat which makes it a heavy meal. Ria's policy is, "[I]Savor your food and enjoy it.[/I]" [B][U]Special Traits[/U][/B] [I]Deception, as a Fan user, Ria's form of fighting in hand with taijutsu looks like as if she's dancing but basically using the fan has a lot of feinting moves and even if it is not on ninja skills, she also applies it in many ways but she's not as smart as you think. Chakra control, Ria's chakra control is used in a conservative manner, she may only have the Great Fireball Jutsu as a ninjutsu which is a good thing because she is able to accumulate her chakra and use it in different ways[/I]. Chakra dash and chakra waves from her fan, her combat style is infusing and emitting. [I]Dancing[/I], her own taijutsu fighting style of a maiden. She learn this style of taijutsu at the same time when she learned the arts of the fan. She also performs and this is her natural talent. Graceful movements that aren't aggressive, it is practically dancing with the opponent! [B][U]Kekkei Genkai[/U][/B]: [B]Name of Kekkei Genkai:[/B] Sharingan [B]Clan:[/B] Uchiha [B]Description:[/B] The infamous eyes of the Uchiha that allows to predict movements in advance, copy taijutsu, genjutsu and ninjutsu. Giving them advanced foresights as well as cast genjutsu and be resistant to genjutsu. At best Ria only has the two swirled version. [I](Won't be having it unless GM/SiC says so, be gaining it as the RP progresses if you say so.) [/I] [B][U]Jutsu[/U][/B]: [hider=Cannon Jutsu] [URL=""]Great Fireball![/URL] [URL=""]Body Flicker[/URL] [URL=""]Shadow Clone[/URL] [URL=""]Body Replacement[/URL] [/hider] [B][I][U]Custom Jutsu[/U][/I][/B] [hider=Custom Jutsu] [B]Name of Technique:[/B] Fanning Fire [B]Type of Jutsu:[/B] Tessenjutsu/Ninjutsu [B]Rank:[/B] C [B]Range:[/B] Short Range [B]Nature Type:[/B] Fire [B]Handseals:[/B] N/A [B]Description:[/B] Ria basically infuses her chakra in her fan and creates fire to emit. [B]Weakness:[/B] Water and the velocity of flames are short and can be countered with barrier like jutsus and a skilled kenjutsu user can deflect it/cut it. Ria's signature jutsu.[/hider] ==================== She doesn't have summonings.