[b]Name[/b]: Daniel Grayson AKA Maverick [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]: 34. Human. Male. Caucasian. [b]Appearance[/b]: 5'11. Pale blue eyes. Jagged scar running from above his right eye to roughly the cheekbone area. Unkempt short dark-brown hair and scraggly goatee with permanent five o'clock shadow. [b]Occupation[/b]: Assassin. [u][b]Weapons[/b]:[/u] 1- MARS-388 Tactical Rifle: Prototype Modular Weapon that, with the flick of a switch can re-arrange it's parts to shift functions from a long-range sniper rifle, to a short-range automatic ballistic rifle, and just about anything in between. It also has a experimental CLAR (Concentrated Laser Assault Rifle) mode that is extremely prone to overheating in its current unfinished form. 2- Twin BlackHammer pistols- Fairly standard ballistic sidearms, easily acquired off the black market. Personally customized with Magnetic Grips. In-Line Silencer Toggle and 3-Way Ammo Shift (Light, Heavy, and Shrapnel) Also has access to a large armory from his black market contacts, which he keeps on-board for general crew use. [b]Armor[/b]: [hider=AJAX Armor][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/masseffect/images/f/f8/ME3_Cerberus_Ajax_Armor.png/revision/latest?cb=20121123062420[/img][/hider] Armored using mainly a heavy ballistic weave rather than cumbersome metal plating for effective protection against small-arms fire as well as nimble movement for quick on-the-job escapes. Completely ineffective to laser fire however. [u][b]Items[/b]:[/u] [b]Active Camo:[/b] Bends light around him to give the illusion of invisibility. Battery life ranges from 10 minutes (sitting completely still) to 2 minutes or less (when sprinting/running) [b]Analysis Tool:[/b] HUD overlay that identifies weak points on a sighted target. Secondary effect allows for tracking of targets. Synced up to both his helmet and eye implant (see below) [b]Cyber-Eye[/b] Implant in right eye that gives him a helmet-less HUD as well as assists with long-range targeting data. [b]Spider's Web[/b] Belt-mounted grappling cables that can stick to many surfaces, allowing him to suspend or transport himself between specific points. Controlled by a wrist-mounted computer. [b]Skills[/b]: An expert in nearly all forms of weaponry, both in the operation and maintenance department. If he likes you, he'll fix up any damaged weapons, or lend you new ones. His expertise in the art of tactical murder have also led to him developing quite a good tracker's sense. [b]Powers[/b]: No known psionic powers [b]Other[/b]: Somewhat unstable. Seems to suffer from some undiagnosed form of a split-personality disorder. ------- [b]Name[/b]: SAL-PMA-M005 (Saber AutomLabs Prototype Personality Matrix Automaton Model 005) SAL for short. [b]Age/Race/Gender[/b]: Unknown Age. Robot. Male-Pattern Personality. [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=SAL][img]http://static.srcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Rogue-One-K2SO-Alan-Tudyk.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Occupation[/b]: Assassin. [b]Weapons[/b]: CerberTech Ballistic Shotgun- A lever-action shotgun that looks comically small in his large hands. Fires standard ballistic short-range scattershot, as well as special explosive rounds. ArcLight Pulse Pistol- Lightweight and quick firing laser pistol. Wrist-Mounted Laser Knife- Custom made and designed. For extreme close-encounters only. [b]Armor[/b]: His body is made up of dated, but still effective plating used in traditional Heavy Armor. He's equipped himself with a low-level Powered-Shield emitter for an added (albeit admittedly ineffective) layer of protection. [u][b]Items[/b]:[/u] [b]Powered-Shield Emitter[/b] (see 'Armor' section above) [b]Skills[/b]: Intel Analysis. Robotic/cybernetics expert through his study/research into what he is. [b]Powers[/b]: None. [b]Other[/b]: Partnered with Maverick. The two are inseparable for some reason, even though neither can really stand the other. May add an additional item to SAL, also gotta come back for some general clean-up/editing, but this covers the majority of it. Last note, I have a clear explanation for why the 2 are partnered up, should I add it or leave it out for now to be explained in the rp itself?