As the school bell rang I ran into the classroom, the teacher hadn’t begun her lesson, so I sat down in the first available seat I saw. The teacher then took attendance, “McQuarrie!” “here!” he called back, “Grile!” “Here!” yelled the policeman’s son. The teacher droned on like this, for another ten minutes, then the loudspeaker came on,”attention all teachers, please lock and barricade your doors, we are beginning a lockdown procedure.” The students ran under their desks just like we had practiced last time, The teacher dragged a desk over to the door, and sat under her desk. Then we all heard the yell coming from the hallway, followed by screams, the students sitting under their desks began to cover their ears, but then I saw them, The kid, Carl Grimes I think, motioned for me to go over to him and his friends. I crawled over as fast as I could. He said quietly, “I don’t know what’s going on, but I doubt we’ll be safe here.” We all nodded in agreement. He silently crawled over to the window, luckily we were on the bottom floor, he opened it without a sound, and waved us over, “Ok, we probably won’t be safe out there either, so let’s get to the cafeteria.” We all nodded and started to quietly run over. The doors swung open as we entered, and for once the cafeteria was deathly silent, we kept moving, eyes wide open looking for threats. “we have to find my dad, he’s a police officer, so he can help us, and I think I know where he is.” Carl said, as he pointed to the hospital tower in the distance, “You’re James Parker right?” he said, looking at me, I nodded, “yeah, but if your dad is in the hospital, wouldn’t that be b-” Before I could finish my sentence, a noise was heard from the hallway, we all peeked through the doorway, only to see a man, dragging himself along the floor, moaning, with his lower torso and legs completely gone behind him, a trail of organs followed him like tentacles. We all screamed which seemed to get his attention, he dragged himself towards us, we all were too scared to move except Howe, he was the biggest and toughest kid around, he grabbed a chair and hit the mangled man with it, the man stopped and a collection of fluids poured out from his head. We all sat back, gasping for breath, Howe was staring at the corpse of the man, horrified, “what the hell was that?” Carl said, “I have no clue, but it’s not good.” Before any of us could finish catching our breath, a noise echoed through the hallway, we all looked down the hall, and say a truly horrifying sight, there were eight of those, things, approaching, they lumbered towards us like they were badly wounded, but they were obviously missing limbs, however they didn’t seem to notice as they charged. Carl belted, “let’s get outa’ here!” We all charged for the doors to the stairs, we didn’t even bother to turn the handles, somehow, the adrenaline pumping through us was enough to let us crash through the door without stopping. That was when we saw it, a cluster of those, things all gathered around one person, shielded from view by the wall of, things, but whoever it was, they were clearly in trouble.