[hider=firebender teacher][center] [h1]Character Name[/h1][color=8B0000] Nai Rorri [/color] [IMG]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/33/a7/f1/33a7f1c12d6d8bb7e173c58c314dbe45.jpg[/IMG] [h2]CHARACTER ROLE[/h2][color=8B0000] Fire Bending Instructor [/color] [b]"Destroy the walls of your own creation, then destroy the walls of others ”[/b] [hr] [u][b][color=8B0000]Full Name[/color][/b][/u] Nai Rorri [u][b][color=8B0000]Nicknames[/color][/b][/u] Nai [u][color=8B0000][b]Age[/b][/color][/u] 25 [b][color=8B0000][u]Gender[/u][/color][/b] Female [u][color=8B0000][b]Sexuality[/b][/color][/u] TBD [u][color=8B0000][b]Abilities[/b][/color][/u] "Flashy lights will get you nowhere, it is through a disciplined practice of tradition that will find you power," The Rorri Family has never been known for their progressive nature. Nai, while exceptional in her family is not an exception to this rule. She maintains her focus on perfecting the "original" firebending. Never paying mind to "lightning bending", or any other form of 'modern' bending, seeing it as a distraction from 'true' firebending. That being said, she makes an effort to take 'traditional' firebending to places it has never been before. Controlling and using fire has become something of a art form. She craves control, both of herself and the wild force that is fire. All firebenders know the damage an unfocused mind can cause when given a flame, but few have tried to take it to the extreme control that Nai has. Forcing the wild substance to bend to her will in ways that are rarely seen these days. Although a strong mind is key to firebending, so is a strong body. While Nai wasn't chosen for her physical fighting abilities, she has studied non-bending hand to hand combat, although chi blocking is something she stays far away from for moral reasons. She can also leave as nasty bruise with a staff if her opponent leaves themselves open enough. [u][color=8B0000][b]Fighting Style[/b][/color][/u] Nai fights with quick,sleek, controlled movements, often called 'Red Lighting' much to her annoyance. Always going for the quick, simple kill shot than the flashy fireball attack that firebenders are known for. While decent at long range, her zone of most effectiveness lays in the mid-range, far enough away to avoid high power but uncoordinated attacks, but close enough that she rarely misses. [hr] [u][color=8B0000][b]Physical Appearance[/b][/color][/u] Due to the Rorri's family opinion of 'pure bloodlines' Nai has received looks very typical of the fire nation. Dark hair, pale-olive skin and amber eyes. She was born with a tall frame and enhanced it with hard earned muscle from hours and hours of training. While fighting or training Nai's hair is typically pulled away from her face to avoid setting it ablaze.(which has happened before, it was very scary) But other than that, she can't be bothered to care much about her appearance. There is too much to be done to waste time 'primping'. She is clean, but keeps it simple. Nails: trimmed, but unpolished. Hair: chopped, but unstyled. Face: Clean, but free of make-up. Unlike some girls who could get away with it, Nai has always been one who would 'look very pretty if she tried a little,' but honestly, just can't be bothered. While not really a part of her physical appearance, she usually has small, well practice smile upon her face in all circumstances. [u][color=8B0000][b]Equipment and Personal Belongings[/b][/color][/u] Nai left everything behind. It felt almost like stealing as everything that belong to her had been bought by someone else. Either by her family or suitors begged by their own families to get in her good graces. So she left everything behind. When she joined the White Lotus, she did find a very sturdy branch that she created into a very sturdy staff. Good for hitting things...like Avatars who aren't trying hard enough. But otherwise, she borrows everything from the White Lotus. [u][color=8B0000][b]Goal[/b][/color][/u] To fix herself. [u][color=8B0000][b]Secret[/b][/color][/u] Has never been attracted to anyone. It scares her to death because she doesn't want to be alone, but cannot fake loving someone if it would save her life. This was the main reason why she joined the White Lotus. Her family arranged a marriage for her. She didn't hate the idea, or the man. She only hated how she would force him to live a life without love. [b][color=8B0000][u]Habits[/u][/color][/b] Oral fixation. Nai almost is always chewing on something. Grass, pen tips, anything small that will fit really. [u][color=8B0000][b]Other[/b][/color][/u] Likes baths. Like a lot. Hot baths and hot springs. She also reads romance novels like they are textbooks, hoping they will help find what is wrong with her. Nai also knows little about the cultures of others. [hr] [u][color=8B0000][b]Likes[/b][/color][/u] o Orange flavored drinks and candies. o Reading romance novels (they have to hold the secret of love) o Dancing by herself. [u][color=8B0000][b]Dislikes[/b][/color][/u] o Loud noises. o Steamed anything. o Laziness. [b][color=8B0000][u]Strengths[/u][/color][/b][LIST] o Focused and driven o Firebending o Gets things done [/LIST] [b][color=8B0000][u]Weaknesses[/u][/color][/b] o Blunt o Inconsiderate o Has strong fire nation loyalty. Occasionally conflicts with the White Lotus. [b][color=8B0000][u]Personality[/u][/color][/b] Nai is known for compartmentalizing her emotions. Or rather, suppressing emotions. Often making herself come across as blunt, inconsiderate and unfeeling towards not only the problems of others, but her own. The urge to keep a singular emotion stemming from the fact that she was often corrected for expressing either the wrong emotion or too much emotion. Growing up she found it easier to keep it neutral. Nai had a pet turtleduck that she adored, it followed her everywhere, even going so far as to sleep with her at night. It was killed by a wild beardog and instead of looking or acting upset, she quietly buried it in the backyard without shedding a tear. Even though it was killing her on the inside, she couldn't bring herself to show the proper emotion. Her mother, now alarmed at how straight forward her daughter was about all things, attempted to undo her past mistakes and teach Nai how to express proper, but controlled, emotion. The only thing that stuck was that Nai now walked around with a constant, small, smile on her face and with a constant expression of vaguely cheerful. While not emotionless, the lack of alteration in her moods often makes her come across as mocking or condescending. When she gives praise or condolences, they rarely come across as genuine, more like scripted or written by someone else. It isn't because she doesn't care, but because she cannot bring herself to show it through any other way. [b][color=8B0000][u]Brief History[/u][/color][/b] Nai was born the second child and first daughter to the Lorri Family. An ancient and traditional family that dated back to the start of recorded time in the Fire Nation. At the time of the first Fire Nation war, when the airbenders were nearly wiped out, the Lorri family were a part of the force that attacked the Southern Air Temple. During the reign of Fire Lord Ozai, they were among his most trusted and loyal advisors. After the fall of Lord Ozai and the rise of Lord Zuko and the Avatar, they fell out of the spot light, shoved aside as something that the fire nation longed to forget. In the shadows, the Lorri's adapted to the new world the best way the could. By keeping tradition alive as best they could, even in secret at times alongside other ancient and disgraced families. While they didn't actively teach that firebending was the best, it was implied though many of the teachings and actions that were given to the next generation. Leaving the Lorri children with a messed up sense of not being 'biased' but 'biased' all the same. The family never studied other types of bending, even if it would have enhance their own understanding of firebending, believing the ancient art to be the best when unsoiled. Other traditions that were kept alive were those of 'keeping the blood pure' and arranged marriages that would create the most powerful offspring possible. Meaning the marriage of a non-bender or a non-firebender was unthinkable. It was here that Nai parted. Having never felt an attraction or urge to love anyone in a romantic sense, she could foresee nothing but a solemn misery, passionless life for either her or her betrothed. So, she joined the White Lotus. And her family had to accept it because they wanted to seem 'processive'. But, they were unhappy all the same and often write asking when she was going to return home. Besides the lackluster support from her family, Nai faced many other challenge with the White Lotus. Most of it was coming to terms with the bias she never knew she had. When she first arrived, she was told she had to share lodgings with an earth bending. At first she thought it was a joke. How on Earth was she supposed to share a room? Didn't the White Lotus know that Earth benders were dirty? Full of bugs and other diseases. It was known, it was scientifically based, wasn't it? The first sign that something was different, was the response of the coordinator, who thought that Nai was joking when she voiced her concern. With her concerns unheeded, Nai grinned her teeth and bared the experience. Much to her surprise she found the earthbender, a woman and Roa, to be both clean and pleasant. They became friends until Nai tried to pay Roa what she thought was a compliment. Nai couldn't remember what she was complimenting, only that it ended with 'for an earthbender'. The fight that ensued and the sudden room change after was the first moment when Nai felt her eyes open to how blind she was to the world. Firebenders were not looked upon, in fact it was sometimes quite the opposite. It was also then, that Nai started to change, slowly at first and she works on it even now. Nai works to untrain her thinking from what she was raised, trying to see the world through untainted eyes. Basically: "Yes, I'm bendist, but I am learning," Nai's selection to be mentor to the avatar came not from a single, amazing feat. Rather and bunch of smaller ones and demonstrating the ability to change. [/center] [/hider] Edit: it is done. Edit Edit: Now she is cheerful expressing :3