[@HalfOfLancelot] [@McHaggis] [@Undine] [@Roosan] [hider=Aravis Tarkheena] [center][color=#9999ff][h1]A R A V I S T A R K H E E N A[/h1][/color] [img]https://s9.postimg.org/lhjr04cfz/aravis_cropped.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"I did not do any of these things for the sake of pleasing you." - Aravis Tarkheena, C.S. Lewis' [i]the Horse and His Boy[/i][/i][/sub][/center][hr][hr][center][color=#9999ff][h2][u]T H E H E R O[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] N A M E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Aravis Tarkheena, Queen of Archenland, the only daughter of Kidrash Tarkaan, the son of Rishti Tarkaan, the son of Kidrash Tarkaan, the son of Illsombreh Tisroc, the son of Ardeeb Tisroc who was decended in a right line from the god Tash[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] S T O R Y [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]The Horse and His Boy; the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] B I R T H P L A C E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]The Never (Calormen)[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] M A G I C [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]No. Despite claiming to be descended in a direct line from the god Tash, Aravis has no magical abilities.[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] A G E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Twenty Two Years[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Aravis was previously married to King Cor of Archenland, allowing her to become Queen. He husband subsequently perished, causing Aravis to become a widow. Pansexual, she has displayed some interest in Queen Lucy of Narnia. She is not currently receiving suitors.[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] A T T I R E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]In her home country, Calormen, Aravis tended to wear belted tunics and loose cloth pants. She dressed more like a tomboy than a lady, only wearing dresses such as [url=https://daindiashop.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/online-indian-wedding-dresses.jpg]this[/url] and [url=http://www.indianfashionlife.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Indian-Dresses-For-Ladies-Sangeet-2015.jpg]this[/url] when forced to by social events. She preferred things that were comfortable, things that she could fight in, and whatever would help to spare her from the overbearing sun. In Archenland, with the cooler climate and due to her responsibilities at court, Aravis adopted warmer clothing that would still prove functional in battle, such as [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/b0/bf/fc/b0bffc83c48bbf82962ae8a9a3016f1a.jpg]this[/url] and [url=http://ep.yimg.com/ca/I/yhst-55945181203785_2268_4903754]this[/url]. Of course, this never prevented Aravis from wearing a finely crafted piece of Archenland made armor. On Earth, however, Aravis found herself most comfortable in tunic dresses. They reminded her of her dear home of Calormen, but on occasion, she would wear traditional English clothing, living with the Pevensies in England. No matter what she wore, however, she was always ready for a fight. As for her physical appearance, Aravis has long locks of brown hair, brown eyes, and a dark complexion. Nimble and lean, she has almost the body of a sailor, springy and ready for action. In Archenland, she was hailed as being one of their most beautiful queens. Of course, she never tried to look pretty for anyone other than herself.[/indent][hr][hr][center][color=#9999ff][h2][u]I N A L A N D F A R F A R A W A Y . . .[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] H E R O ' S N A T U R E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Incredibly brave and loyal, Aravis never suffers from a shortage of courage. Before traveling with Shasta/Cor, Aravis was arrogant and egotistical, looking down on those who were not Tarkheenas or Tarkaans. Overtly prideful, this almost reckless pretentiousness toned down quite considerably throughout her journey to Archenland. While she still is a bit prideful, she no longer is the entirely self-centered person she once was. Aravis can also be incredibly manipulative, able to analyze a situation quickly and make the best moves needed. However, she only does this if she believes it is for the greater good, never trying to actively cause harm to anyone. After punishment from Aslan due to her causing a slave to take a beating, Aravis has become more cautious and considerate towards the impact of her actions on others. She has, essentially, become a hero, willing to put her life on the line for others. That doesn't mean however that she's going to suffer fools. Confident and decisive, Aravis is a very firm and serious personality, getting everything done. She hates those who sit around all day, preferring herself to constantly be accomplishing things. Hard work is how she relaxes--that, or reading a good book. She loves stories. [/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] R E N O W N S K I L L S [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Aravis is a talented swordsman, trained in various types of blades and styles. She is skilled in horseback riding as well, being able to fight while mounted. Skilled as well in diplomacy and strategy, Aravis has successfully led Archenland for several years. She is also a highly skilled storyteller, a quality prized among Calormen nobles. [/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] F A T A L F L A W [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Aravis can be rather hotheaded and self-centered, looking out for herself first. She's incredibly stubborn and prideful, believing that she can do everything better than anyone else. Most of this, however, is to cover up some deep insecurities brought on by her upbringing and the death of her husband. And furthermore, she's a bit of a martyr waiting to happen.[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] O N C E U P O N A T I M E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Aravis was born in the province of Calavar, in the country of Calormen, deep to the south of Narnia. Her father was the ruling lord of the province, making her a member of the nobility, a Tarkheena. She grew up with a rather pleasant childhood in the supposed Golden Age of Narnia. She spent her time with her good friend, Lasaraleen, often playing at the lake. While Lasaraleen was more into gossiping and preparing for married life, Aravis enjoyed learning to sword fight and to wear armor, taking lessons from her brother Devadas before he perished in a war. It was a world where women were expected to be objects and where slavery was commonplace. For the most part, Aravis was unhindered by both of those aspects. That changes when her mother died and her father remarried. Her stepmother despised her and plotted to marry Aravis off to Ahoshta Tarkaan at the tender age of thirteen. Ahoshta Tarkaan, a vile and hideous man, was nearly fifty years her elder. Repulsed and expecting to have her father acquiese to her demands, Aravis was shocked when he refused, insisting that she marry Ahoshta. Finding no help from her family or her dear friend, Aravis decided it was best to kill herself. There was no other way out, as her eyes were opened to the cruelties of the world she lived in. Deep in the woods, under the pretense of going off for a several day journey to pray to the gods before her marriage, Arravis readied her dagger, and began to drive it towards her heart. Instead, her horse Hwin began to talk. She thought she was delusional at first, but when it happened again, Aravis learned of the mythical land of Narnia. Determined to escape Calormene and go to the seemingly perfect place, she ran off under the disguise of a young Tarkaan. Along the way, she ran into a poor boy named Shasta, journeying with him. In the process, they ran into Queen Susan and King Edmund of Narnia, and overheard a deadly plot to invade Archenland, proposed by the Tisroc's son. Eventually making their way into Archenland, Aravis' back was skinned by Aslan as punishment for her crimes. Shasta went on to the battle, leaving Aravis behind, wounded. It was there that Shasta learned of his identity as Prince Cor during an epic battle between the Archenlanders and the Calormene. Prince Cor invited Aravis to remain at court with him in Anvard. Having been disowned by her family and not wishing to return to Calormen, Aravis accepted. Growing closer with Prince Cor each and every day, Aravis began to train harder and harder, hoping to escape the nightmares of her past. She developed a bit of PTSD from her experiences, especially after learning her childhood friend, Larsaleen, was beheaded for aiding Aravis and Cor in their escape. Nearly bringing Archenland to rage war against Calormen, Aravis found herself lost in the middle of Narnia, having been sent there by Aslan. Because of this, she met Queen Lucy, and the pair of them became great friends. Healing and grieving the loss of her dear friend, Aravis returned to Archenland, and when she was sixteen, accepted Cor's proposal. The wedding was a somber affair, as King Lune had perished on that very day. Aravis became Queen of Archenland, leading her country in and out of war, despite having a bit of a temper. Two years into the reign of Cor and Aravis, her husband died of the same illness that had ailed King Lune. Dawning her mourning garb, Aravis became the sole ruler of Archenland. It was a few weeks after that Aravis found she was pregnant. Vowing to name the child Ram, as Cor would have wanted, Aravis' troubles only continued when she miscarried. All of Archenland wept for their Queen, and Aravis soon realized her fear: she wouldn't be able to conceive a child ever again. Throwing herself into her work, Aravis continued to rule Archenland, with her niece, Ramna, being groomed to rule Archenland after Aravis. Prince Corin, Aravis' brother-in-law, helped handle the matters of a king, despite not bearing the title. Life went on.[/indent] [color=#9999ff][sub][h3] • [u] A N E W C H A P T E R [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]With the dark magic separating the lands, winter engulfing Narnia, and the portals closing, Archenland had fallen into chaos, with Calormen gearing up for yet another invasion. Princess Ramna, only five years old, was far too young to rule. Prince Corin and Queen Aravis were the only remaining guiding figures. With the chance to use magic to escape to a new land, Aravis had insisted that Corin and Ramna use it, and stay with the Queens and Kings of Narnia in the new world. She would remain behind, and look after the rest of Archenland. But by some cruel twist of fate, Aslan intervened, and ensured that Aravis was the one sent to the new world. Living in England with the Pevensies, Aravis continues to be haunted by memories of her lost family in Archenland. She currently works as a fencing instructor, trying her best to make do in another world that judges her by the color of her skin and her gender. Taking a bit of a fancy to Lucy, Aravis still retains her mannerisms, swearing by Aslan and Tash out of habit. She hasn't truly adapted to the new world, still feeling lost and out of place. Archenland had been the only place she felt at home. And now, it was gone.[/indent][/hider] [hider=Harlianne Hook] [center][color=#0099cc][h1]H A R L I A N N E H O O K[/h1][/color][img]https://s10.postimg.org/eqtr86t7t/little_hook.jpg[/img] [sub][i]"You didn't expect a girl like meself could do such things, now did you? You can whine about it to Davy Jones like the rest, mate."[/i][/sub][/center][hr][hr][center][color=#0099cc][h2][u]T H E H E R O[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] N A M E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Harlianne Shay Hook[/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] S T O R Y [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Peter Pan & Rumpelstiltskin[/indent] [color=0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] B I R T H P L A C E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]The Seven Seas[/indent] [color=0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] M A G I C [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Due to Rumplestiltskin being one of her fathers, Harlianne does have the ability to use magic. However, her magical prowess is incredibly limited, able to be compared to mere parlor tricks.[/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] A G E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Twenty Six Years[/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Harlianne doesn't have any romantic interests. She doesn't see a reason to hunt for [i]that[/i] booty when there's a far more profitable booty, often involving gold and adventure, to be found. [/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] A T T I R E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]With a shock of ginger hair, Harlianne stands out in a crowd. She's shorter than most pirates, likely due to her imp heritage. Her pale face, by some miracle, is only [i]nearly[/i] always sunburnt. Of course, she manages to cover it up with the same old hat she's been wearing since she was a little girl, a gift given to her by her father, Captain Hook. As often as she can, she wears the beaten brown coat pictured in the photo, partnered with various weapons. On Earth, it seems to attract a bit of attention, so she swaps in her coat and traditional pirate gear for a billowing white shirt, capris, and firm shoes. The hat, of course, is mandatory.[/indent] [hr][hr] [center][color=#0099cc][h2][u]I N A L A N D F A R F A R A W A Y . . .[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] H E R O ' S N A T U R E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Harlianne was raised to be a pirate, and so, she acts like a pirate. She looks out for her own self interest, twisting words and manipulating individuals if needed to get what she desires. The difference between good and evil doesn't bother her, as she follows her own moral compass in order to determine right from wrong. However, Harlianne doesn't wish ill on the world. She isn't out for the pain of others. She's merely doing whatever it takes to survive, using her resourcefulness to solve any problem that comes across her. At the end of the day, she'll make the choice that keeps her alive--but she won't needlessly maim or injure. Of course, she's also got healthy curiosity and a sense of adventure! She constantly yearns for excitement and brand new sights, never content with just staying still. The sea calls to her, with the new wonders it brings each day, allowing her to move and to be free. Harlianne is a restless soul to the bitter end.[/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] R E N O W N S K I L L S [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Harlianne's special talent is, without a doubt, survival. She has a natural inclination towards it, lending itself to her childhood aboard a pirate ship. Skilled with a cutlass and a pistol, Harlianne knows everything there is to know about smuggling and pillaging, having been taught how to do so since a young age. From her other father, Rumpelstiltskin, Harlianne learned how to do extremely minor magic. It's nothing incredibly impressive or flashy, but in a pinch, it could just be helpful. [/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] F A T A L F L A W [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Given that one of her father's was an imp and the other a pirate, something quite peculiar happened to dear Harlianne. She becomes gravely ill if kept away from the sea too long, and if not returned to open waters (or areas near by), she will perish. Beyond that one unfortunate occurrence, Harlianne's weakness is her loyalty to her family: her father and his crew. She'd do anything for them. And lastly, it is indeed sometimes true that curiosity killed the cat: a lesson that Harlianne has been forced to learn time and time again. [/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] O N C E U P O N A T I M E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]To understand the story of Harlianne Hook, it is necessary to see how she came to be...The daughter of the infamous Captain Hook, Harlianne had no mother. Instead, she had but another father. The imp Rumpelstiltskin, skilled in all manners of concealment and disguise, was renowned in all the lands for his penchant for making deals. While initally Rumpelstiltskin would ask for jewels and positions of power, he soon moved on to asking for children. However, that mere amusement could only last the imp so long. He began to desire a child of his own. Rumpelstiltskin, taking on the form of a young dark skinned woman, seduced Captain Hook. He became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, named after three prominent loves of Rumpelstiltskin and Captain Hook. Harley, a famed criminal; Anne, after the famed pirate Anne Bonny; and Shay, another word for Rumpelstiltskin's beloved gold. Of course, it wasn't before long that Captain Hook realized the mother of his child was in fact a devilish imp. After a brawl, the two men came to an agreement. Hook would get to raise Harlianne until she reached the age of thirteen, and then, Rumpelstiltskin would have sole custody. For the next thirteen years of her life, Harlianne grew up on a ship. She got her sea legs before she even walked on land, traveling the seven seas and seeing all of the wonderful sights and sounds. Her father and his crew taught her everything they knew, from fighting to aiming a pistol to steering a ship. The sea and the Jolly Roger were her life, everything that she ever cared about. For the most part, Harlianne lived like a pirate, able to do whatever she wanted. There was only one rule. Harlianne was forbidden from stepping foot in Neverland. And as any child who was raised on the principles of rebellion and selfishness, Harlianne did exactly that. On the night before her thirteenth birthday, Harlianne snuck out onto a little dingy, and rowed it to shore with the cover of darkness. Setting foot on the land, Harlianne heard the giggles of other children. Ecstatic to see someone else her age, Harlianne went deep into the forests in Neverland, searching and finding only more adventure. The young pirate spent the entire night at ease, enjoying the new sights and sounds. Meanwhile, Rumpelstiltskin had appeared on the Jolly Roger at the stroke of midnight, prepared to collect his daughter. Having never known about her true parentage, Harlianne remained clueless on the island. Captain Hook, having discovered Harlianne's absence, informed Rumpelstiltskin that she was missing and it was likely she drowned. Enraged, Rumpelstiltskin searched the Jolly Roger, not finding the girl. Rumpelstiltskin then informed Captain Hook that if Harlianne truly had died, he'd have no issue sailing on and leaving Neverland. Hoping desperately that Harlianne was on the island, Captain Hook followed Rumpelstiltskin's commands, sailing to Tortuga. The next morning, when Harlianne went to sneak back to the ship, she saw what appeared to be the devil, waiting on the shore. With the Jolly Roger nowhere in sight. Instantly suspicious, Harlianne ran back into the depths of Neverland, struggling to survive in an area that appeared whimsical the next day. She talked, walked, and looked like a pirate, causing some of the inhabitants of the island to fear her. She scavenged what she could, going back to the shore each day in order to see if her father had returned, only for the devilish Rumpelstiltskin to be there. This went on for years, with Harlianne stealing from the mermaids, the Lost Boys, and each person on the island in order to live. The shore was forbidden for her, lest Rumpelstiltskin catch a glimpse of her. The entire time, Harlianne was convinced that her father had been killed. It was on her twenty-second birthday that Harlianne spotted the Jolly Roger sailing towards Neverland. She dashed to the shore, blinded by hope and desperation, only to be captured by Rumpelstiltskin. It had been a mirage, an illusion. Rumpelstiltskin whisked his child away to his home in Bellegarde, imprisoning her in a tower. And unfortunately, no prince came to rescue her. It took ages for Harlianne to accept Rumpelstiltskin as her father, though she still hoped that her other father, Captain Hook, would come to rescue her. The imp promised that once Harlianne learned to love him, he would teach her his tricks, and let her roam as she liked. And so, Harlianne did what any self respecting pirate would do: she lied. She convinced Rumpelstiltskin that she did indeed love him, and became privy to how to perform small bits of magic. Eventually, he taught her enough that she managed to escape the tower, dashing madly away. For a day, Harlianne thought she was free, only for Rumpelstiltskin to capture her once more. He locked her away, forcing her to spin straw into gold, and held her captive. She grew sickly, yearning for the sea, but also suffering physically from her captivity. The sea was her heart, after all. Without it, Rumpelstiltskin came to learn, she'd surely perish. But of course, he also couldn't bear the thought of surrendering his only child to Captain Hook. Taking advantage of the impending crisis, especially with magic becoming banned across the realm, Rumpelstiltskin used all of his strength to send Harlianne to the next world, still hopeful that she would learn to love him one day.[/indent] [color=#0099cc][sub][h3] • [u] A N E W C H A P T E R [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]For the first time in years, Harlianne woke up to an open sky and the feel of the waves beneath her. Fearing that it was too good to be true, Harlianne glanced around, finding herself on a small sailboat, the size that could serve as a home and be operated by a single person. Her possessions were there as well, along with a note from Rumpelstiltskin. Reading it, she then tossed it into the sea in disgust. It took her a bit to become accustomed to the new world, but with the help of the sea, Harlianne's illnesses soon vanished. Becoming largely self sufficient on her boat, Harlianne sailed from port to port, learning the new globe. She found that her namesakes, Harley and Anne, were both popular cultural characters: one was a costumed villain and the other found in video games. Her father had been turned into a lunatic, chased by a mere crocodile and bested by Peter Pan. The world hardly made any sense to Harlianne, and given that she'd been to Wonderland, it was saying a lot. However, at least she had the sea. With that, she could survive--until she found a way back to the Jolly Roger. It'd do.[/indent][/hider]