[quote=@Brasslazer] I'm interested in making a dragon character, and I just had some question I wanted to clarify about them: 1. How does the family structure of dragons work? If they are newborns when they regenerate, who take care of the newly regenerated dragons, since their parents are likely dead since they can only reproduce in their 10th life. 2. Since the dragons are immune to poison, how are they affected by drug use i.e., alcohol, cigarettes, Fairy Blood? 3. In dragon form, can dragons breath only fire, or can they breath other things like poison gas or frost breath? And if they can, is it D&D style rules where certain scale colors mean certain breath types, such as red dragons breathing fire and white dragons breathing frost? 4. Can you explain the elasticity power with some more detail? It's confusing me a little. [/quote] I'm going to give answering these a whack while [@Emma] is under the weather. [color=39b54a]1) Although the parent(s) may be dead, by the time they reach the end of their first life - and subsequent lives - they probably have met someone they could trust to help them in their youthful next life or have a sibling that could do so whether it is actually caring for the newborn dragon or finding someone else that could be the caregiver.[/color] [color=f26522]2) Alcohol is a poison, so dragons would have an immunity to it. So drugs would have no affect on a dragon as well, and equally neither would have an addictive impact upon them as that is part of the poison quality. Considering that fact, it would be unlikely a dragon would have any inclination to imbibe drugs or alcohol, due to that fact; there would be nothing to lose or gain from doing so. (Just because it is unlikely doesn't mean I am telling you your character can't decide to do it anyways.) As fairy blood is not actually a toxin/poison, it would still have the same effects as it would on any other race. Although they wouldn't suffer the effects of becoming addicted or risk cancer from the carcinogens, they would still develop lung problems due to inhaling smoke; lungs aren't meant to inhale carbon monoxide and will start to fail over time from prolonged exposure regardless of if it is due to poison or not (this isn't just a comment on cigarette smoke, but also if one breathes in smoke from a campfire, wood burning stove, etc.) So, much like alcohol/drugs, there wouldn't be any getting addicted to smoking, but would maintain the risk of damaging a vital organ.[/color] [color=00aeef]3) The only time a dragon does not breathe fire is one that has specially adapted to live exclusively in water environments. Even then, they breathe scalding water instead of fire - so it's still in a relatively close ballpark. [@Emma] - feel free to correct me, if you would like.[/color] [color=ed145b]4) Think Mr. Fantastic of the Fantastic Four, or Elastigirl from the Incredibles. Dragons can reshape themselves in nearly any way or shape to an extreme limit; they cannot reshape beyond the capability of their complete mass - i.e. they can go completely flat by stretching themselves that thin, which means stretching themselves extremely long or wide to do so, or shrink by reshaping sections to fold in on themselves.[/color]