[img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/f2/d0/04/f2d004e617a501a0e3a2efdbc52e56db.jpg[/img] Name: Jun Akita Age: 16 Occupation: Waitress Personality: She's a little on the outgoing side, but thrives in introverted environments. She doesn't have a bad bone in her body unless you hurt someone close to her, then she gets like a kitten with claws. She tends to stick inside the shadows and watch people from afar. Her friends are very limited and most times people have considered more of a loner. Background: Jun comes from a middle class family who is scrapping by. Her father has built up a lot of debt causing her to get a job where all her money goes to the debt collectors for her dad. Her mother is rarely around only showing her face when the father begs for money. Jun tends to enjoy being alone so that she doesn't have to explain her family to anyone, but she has no problem being friendly in school if someone comes up to her. She watches her classmates and builds up stories of fiction about their lives to entertain herself and to fool herself into thinking being by herself is the best thing. She can usually be found with her headphones on to trick people into thinking she isn't listening to the latest gossip.