(I'm on mobile for this post so I'm not gonna be able to separate Nate and Allan's sections easily, sorry!) Nate grins when Allan arrives with the other dragon behind him, [i]I knew his love for creatures would come in handy. Just never expected it to be with dragons[/i] he thinks before he realizes Eun-mi was talking to him. Maybe not directly but he'll take it. "My name is Nate, nice to meet you. And don't worry about being late, my brother and I are also a bit late to the party. But hey, at least we all showed up, right?" Xalanth gently bites at Nate's ankle which makes him chuckle a little, "oh yeah! And this is Xalanth." Allan looked a bit offended when Nate never introduced him. He stares a few seconds at his brother before quietly speaking, his voice soft and relatively feminine. "And...my name's Allan, or Al. Whichever you prefer. I'm Nate's twin [i]brother[/i], in case you were wondering." Al had put slight emphasis on the word "brother" without even realizing it at first. But once he did he goes extea quiet and hugs Soreth who lets out a small squeak in protest. "O..Oh, a-and this is Soreth."