[quote=@wallaberry] The doctor continues on, despite her struggles. She would just have to deal if she wanted treatment. After a bit her hand was stitched up and wrapped in gauze. He reaches for the burn cream next. Kianna moves along, still not noticing any signs of an enemy. "Seems good so far, lets keep going." She moved ahead and perked her ears up for any signs of a threat. Jayden looks at Abbi, making himself seem larger. He was a decently sized mountain lion by any means. "Missing something?" He asks tauntingly, feeling a bit petty at the moment. He braces himself for a fight and waits for her to make the first move. [/quote] Ptelea looks at her hand and turns it curiously. Ambrose smiles. "There. All better Ptel." He says gently before letting go of her wrist and going to sit down. Ptelea swings her legs a bit more, watching the doctor curiously.