[quote=@Fionraella] "A...dozen?" Mona nods slowly. "I know...you're right." She sighs heavily, a bit frustrated that they were in this mess. She starts the car, listening to the low hum of the engine for a moment. "Okay...where should we go to warn them? Misha didn't tell us anything about where they are." She huffs, irritated at that girl now too. Fabine laughs, shaking his head. "Misha, come on, you're what 13? You shouldn't even know what a bartender is!" He says, before walking alongside her. "But sure, you can be the bartender, so long as I can rent out the building for myself every Thursday for a reasonable price." [/quote] Liwei glanced off into the woods. The dark outlines, disappearing into brush and shadows, held no answers to [i]any[/i] of their questions, least of all how to track the mysterious vagrant children. He bit his lower lip in contemplation. "They have fires, right? We could track their smoke." Misha raised her eyebrows. "What's the for? Is it even legal for a tiny baby minor like yourself?" She shrugged. "Guess it doesn't matter, as long as you clean up after yourself."