[quote=@xiaomiau] Liwei glanced off into the woods. The dark outlines, disappearing into brush and shadows, held no answers to [i]any[/i] of their questions, least of all how to track the mysterious vagrant children. He bit his lower lip in contemplation. "They have fires, right? We could track their smoke." Misha raised her eyebrows. "What's the for? Is it even legal for a tiny baby minor like yourself?" She shrugged. "Guess it doesn't matter, as long as you clean up after yourself." [/quote] Mona nods a bit. "Good idea. Okay. You keep an eye out for the smoke, I'll make sure not to run anyone over...this van isn't great for offroad..." She then begins driving off the road, heading into the forest. She hoped they'd find Misha. She actually kind of missed the psunky annoying girl. "Wow, ye of little faith." Fabine chuckles and looks up at the sky. "So what do you think we should tell the group?"