[@HalfofLancelot][@Undine][@McHaggis][@Roosan] [hider=Hansel] [center][center][color=gold][h1]Hansel Grimm[/h1][/color] [img] http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m3wbvrNXEz1qafmhf.gif [/img] [sub][i]"Whatever you do, don’t eat the fucking candy."[/i][/sub][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=gold][h2][u]T H E H E R O[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] N A M E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Hansel Grimm[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] S T O R Y [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Hansel and Gretel, by the Brothers Grimm[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] B I R T H P L A C E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Bellegarde[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] M A G I C [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]As far as he’s aware, no. Does some rad card tricks though – that’s magic, right?[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] A G E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]19[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] R O M A N T I C I N T E R E S T S [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent]Just wants someone to cuddle. Doesn’t care what sex they are, really.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] A T T I R E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent] Back home, he’d wear just breeches and tunics, the typical outfit for a poor peasant boy living where he did. He was lucky to get some decent winter boots most years – now, however, is another story. With so much clothing freely accessible and affordable even for some of the poorest of people, Hansel owns and wears a wide assortment of different clothing. Most of it casual, such as jeans or slacks; t-shirts or button-ups; sturdy boots or more lightweight tennis shoes; various types of jackets and hoodies. As for himself, Hansel stands at around 5’10; with a frame best described as wiry, he often looks younger than his actual age with his bright, playful blue eyes, and almost baby-like features – dimpled smile included. The soft, curly hair doesn’t really do him any favours on the “looking-your-age” front either, but he doesn’t mind. It should also be noted that he has various scars dotting his body, but they are too many and too minor to note them all. [/indent] [hr][hr] [img] http://67.media.tumblr.com/0bc1e0c4f5e4dd53c3c812b1a4f5c851/tumblr_o92lt4rp4o1r6d5b7o2_r1_500.gif [/img] [hr][hr] [center][color=gold][h2][u]I N A L A N D F A R F A R A W A Y . . .[/u][/h2][/color][/center] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] H E R O ' S N A T U R E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent] Back home, Hansel was a grim (HAHAHA) individual, what with every minute of every day spent on high alert, ready to set fire to something disgusting with claws at any point. His days were regimented, dark, and it was rare to find laughter in the village in which he stayed. Now, things are a lot different. Although Hansel had a lot of anger – both in himself and what had happened to his entire life – at first, it has changed into something more productive. He has found time to smile and laugh and joke, and immensely enjoys doing so. The sudden safety of this world has brought out a previously undiscovered side of him – one of curiosity, of an eagerness to learn and an energetic playfulness that seems to light up the room around him. And he is content, because when he was a boy, he couldn’t imagine feeling any form of joy, other than the dark satisfaction of killing his foes. However, this side of him does exist, and when it makes itself known, is a frightening thing to witness compared to his previously happy disposition. There is a certain cold savagery within him when his temper snaps or a dangerous situation arises, but it is extremely rare for him to lose his head completely. He knows what the consequences could be otherwise.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] R E N O W N E D S K I L L S [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent] Has developed a keenly strategic and tactical way of thinking thanks to his upbringing; excellent survival skills, including decent reflexes, and also has an impeccable aim with most ranged or throwing weapons.[/indent] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] F A T A L F L A W [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent] Despite his bright and even eager exterior, Hansel is rarely quick to dish out trust to new people. It’s been instilled in him since a young age; people will be out to get you, to screw you over, and kill and eat you. Well... perhaps not that last part in this world, but there are still plenty of dangers out there. Additionally, has a dislike for witches and other "evil" supernatural beings. Although this doesn’t necessarily pass onto all magic users, it is obvious when this dislike comes out – Hansel will never trust them, and in times as desperate at these, may just put him and others in danger.[/indent] [hr][hr] [img] http://hipics.ru/images/2016/06/20/tumblr_inline_o50kakqhDd1rpa960_5006af0e.gif [/img] [hr][hr] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] O N C E U P O N A T I M E [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent] In the original story of Hansel and Gretel, once they defeated the witch, they returned home with riches stolen from her; their evil stepmother had died, and they lived happily ever after with their father, now able to afford anything they wished to have. Except, it was hardly that nice. While they did indeed take jewels and the like from the candy-house of the witch, they were continually plagued by her fellows. The woods in which they lived were infested with the hags, who would attack their neighbours and nearby villages – being so far out in the wilderness, they received no real aid from the ruler of their country. Any stories or pleas for aid went unheard or ignored, cast down as simple rumours thought up by the peasantry, in an attempt to get free things from the kingdom. And so, Hansel and Gretel grew up in a hellish environment, forced to take it upon themselves to do something about the monsters that so plagued them. With the aid of their father and the rest of the people within their community, they banded together; teaching one another various skills and honing them in order to kill and protect themselves. Hansel himself became rather proficient with the bow among other things, and helped the best minds in the village to think up elaborate traps to snatch the witches up. As the years passed, and Hansel and Gretel approached teenhood, the struggle continued on. A witch would get cocky and snatch a farmer from the outskirts of the village; they would retaliate by tracking the witch down, and killing her in some painful manner. Despite their young age, Hansel and his sister were two of the best hunters in the community – and although they were not content or happy with this life they lived, they would not abandon their friends and family in search of their own good fortunes. That was something Hansel wanted to live by his entire life... until the Cataclysm changed everything. It started with tremors in the earth, odd weather affecting the crops, and of course, the witches. Sensing something was happening, the magical creatures grew panicked – in a last desperate attempt to do something, they attacked the village, hoping whatever they killed would bring peace to whatever was changing their world. Hansel fought with all his might, but at the age of just 14, he simply didn’t have the strength to continue. They had started off together, but before he knew it, amidst all the chaos, he lost his Father, and he lost Gretel. Then he was running, as fast as he could into the dark forests surrounding his home, screams of the dying and maniacal cackling of hags still echoing in his ears. Hansel doesn't remember how long we ran for - until his feet were sore and bleeding, countless scuffs and scratches covering his arms and face from where he'd fallen down or a branch had hit him. Eventually, the woods thinned out, which led him to a path. The path led him to a road, which led him to a village, which led him to people. While immensely distrustful of anyone he encountered, Hansel had no choice but to accept there help, lest the cold or hunger take him. They were refugees, fleeing whatever events that had driven the witches of the forest to madness. With nowhere else to go, Hansel sullenly joined them on their journey to Notre Dame, not really caring much of what would happen to him. Then, something of a miracle happened - a miracle in his eyes, anyway. Having wandered away from the stifling protection of the refugees who had aided him, he came across Merlin. Taking pity upon the beaten up, angry, hopeless young boy, he told him of the portal that would bring all who went safety and security. Hansel didn't believe it at first, but agreed to go with Merlin anyway - anything was better than his life before, as he figured. [/indent] [hr][hr] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1vpq4Wt0I1qazofro1_250.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1vpq4Wt0I1qazofro2_250.gif[/img][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/a9716f2a6806e98c263ada98884b1a85/tumblr_mo552yWnNG1rgjyqbo1_r1_250.gif[/img] [hr][hr] [color=gold][sub][h3] • [u] A N E W C H A P T E R [/u][/h3][/sub][/color] [indent] When arriving in Mystvale with the others, Hansel was enraptured. Here he was in a place that wasn't falling to pieces; there weren't any monsters lurking in the shadows to snatch away children; there weren't any evil step-mothers who wanted to kill the children they didn't want. It was safe. As Hansel was a minor, Merlin had elected to leave him under the care of someone he knew would help the young boy get used to the world; his friend Jessamine Oakwing - better known by many as the Fairy Godmother. At first, Hansel was dubious of his new guardian - but even he knew that a Fairy was seperate from a witch, and with her very much no nonsense - but at the same time, fun-loving - exterior, the pair got along very nicely. After only two years, he found himself happy to call her family, what with everyone else gone. As he grew older and somewhat restless, she encouraged him to leave Mystvale; to see this new world as much as he wanted to. And so, that is what he has been doing. For the past three years, Hansel has been back-packing across the globe, returning home only very briefly to drop off souvenirs and gifts before leaving to another country. Now, his wanderlust has been tamed somewhat, and he has returned to Mystvale for a good long while. [/indent][/center][/hider] Elsa is currently a WIP! Got her F/C though.