[quote=@Lucidnonsense] How humanoid must humanoids be? And any particular reason they are humanoid? Is there some kind of precursor race? [/quote] Mmm, I could have worded that better. I was just wanting to make sure no one came here with some crazy stuff. Look up Twi'leks, Togruta, Gungans, Asari, Turians, Salarians, Krogan, Vulcans, Protheans, Batarians, Protoss... these are all relatively 'humanoid'. They would be perfect inspirations. I just had to make sure no one came in here trying to play something like the Alien (from the Alien franchise) or Jabba the Hutt, or Elcor and Hanar type characters. It's like trying to host a RP about a party of adventures, and someone comes along and says "I want to be a unicorn" or "I want to be a dragon" or something. Those kind of characters just would not fit what I am trying to accomplish, you know?