[Center][h1]The Next Day...[/h1] [H2]??? + ???[/h2][/center] [b]"Are they all here?"[/b] The taste of tobacco poisoned his tongue as he took a long drag from his cigarette. As he stood there in the midst of the back room of the Darkwell City Diner, his sharp green eyes rested on the shorter woman with the contagious smile. Her eyes gleamed up at him in an excited fashion as she tapped her clipboard against his broad chest. [B]"'course they're all here!"[/b] her voice chimed as she looked down at the list of names on the clipboard. [B]"Well... all except for one."[/b] One? He couldn't help but feel a little frustrated with his partner. Even as he glared at her, his hand ruffling his hair in anxiety, she laughed nervously. [B]"You said all of them would come,"[/b] he grumbled. [B]"Well, that can be solved rather easily, can't it?"[/b] the brown-haired woman's smile became unnerving as she tapped the sniper rifle against the wall. [B]"One dose of this will knock a full grown man out cold for [i]hours [/i]."[/b] He ground his teeth against each other, the taste of tobacco only becoming stronger as his teeth sunk into the cheap cigarette. Even though he didn't want any attention drawn to them, he knew that it would have to be done. [B]"Can I trust you to keep this on down low?"[/b] he asked her. The woman giggled again, raising a hand up to her head in a mock salute. [B]"You know me,"[/b] she flashed her teeth at him. [B]"He won't know I'm there until it's too late."[/b] [B]"Very well,"[/b] he forced himself to relax as he pulled the cigarette out of his mouth. [B]"Is the punch ready?"[/b] [B]"Sir, yes sir!"[/b] she piped. [B]"Just make sure to just give 'em one cup. Any more and I'm not sure they'll wake up at all, heh!"[/b] The anxiety came back as he tossed another glare at her. [B]"Just go do your job, and I'll do mine."[/b] [B]"Yessir!"[/b] [hr] [Center]  [img]http://i.imgur.com/O16b4YF.jpg[/img][/center] She hoped that she would win the PC. Even after all that had happened the night before, even as she looked down at her hands and was relieved that her fingers were just fingers and not claws, it was the first thought that came through her mind. Whitney forced herself to relax as she walked down the street, her hand clasped on her purse as she looked down at the melting snow. She still couldn't believe what had happened last night; she had the powers of Aurelion Sol, and she could even turn into that huge dragon thing! Not only that, but there were indeed others like her. Ahri, Kha'zix, Vi, Ekko... and someone else who caused a snowstorm. In July. She shook her head, looking up at the sun. What did all of this mean? Was the government going to come after them? [I]All[/i] of them? And what was that shadow monster thing? Whitney couldn't piece it all together, but she sure hoped that it would all be settled soon. Whitney glanced up at the diner. Surprisingly, there was no traffic bustling about the vicinity of the diner itself. Usually people would be going there for lunch at this hour, especially since the diner had wonderful specials for people who wanted to dine there at noon. As she studied the area, she noted that the ends of the street had been barred with yellow fences emblazoned with the sign of a car and a strike going through it. Was the anniversary of their little town requiring such a large space? Maybe one of those fun little fairs would pass through and they would be able to win other prizes. She smiled as she walked up to the doors, pushing inside and enjoying the cold air within the conditioned dining room. As she looked about, however, she realized that nearly all of the seats had been taken, save for the ones located all the way in the back. Did she sleep in? [color=8882be][b]"Sorry I'm late!"[/b][/color] Whitney called loudly as she rushed up to the closest available chair. She didn't even see who she was sitting with-- she didn't even care. It was better to sit with someone than not sit with anyone at all. [color=8882be][b]"Sure looks like someone turned up the air conditioner more than they were supposed to, eh?"[/b][/color] Whitney laughed as she hinted at the snow that was melting on almost every street corner. She clasped her hands in front of her, noticing that a man was passing out drinks to the attendees of the party. The reddish color of the fruit punch that he served them caught her eye. It looked really tasty... but before she could even think about taking a sip of that refreshing drink, she caught sight of the man's face as he approached her. [color=8882be][b]"Mr. Ravello?"[/b][/color] she smiled as he placed a cup in front of her hands, her eyes watching his face. She thought that he would have looked happy to see her, but instead, he turned away from her as soon as she called out his name. Whitney frowned. Maybe he was shy? It made no sense to her why he should be... he was apparently holding this celebration for them, after all.   [@rivaan] [@Kiddo] [@Kit N Kat] [@Kimchi] [@Eklispe] [@Kiroue] [@Hillan] [@DFA] [@Gikel] [@Brasslazer]