Eun-mi looked at each new person and their respective dragon as they introduced themselves and nodded in return. A tingling feeling by her leg caused her to look down and see a small green dragon curling around her legs like a cat. The cute gesture caused a small giggle to escape from Eun-mi's mouth. A low growl caused her to turn her head in worry. Darthun approached the girl and began mimicking Maia's actions. However his rough spines scratched against Eun-mi's legs, and he wasn't very gentle about rubbing against her either. Within a few seconds she fell over again, and Darthun took this opportunity to climb onto her chest and sit curled up, staring at her with a bemused expression. "[color=8493ca]Pet.[/color]" he commanded. Eun-mi gasped for breath and she attempted to shove the dragon off. "[color=f6989d]Ack! Why are you so heavy?![/color]" she said with wheeze. Darthun reluctantly moved and sat down next to her, nuzzling her hand for attention. "[color=f6989d]Yeah cute,[/color]" she said after hearing Emma's comment. "[color=f6989d]I love his appearance but his weight is gonna kill me. At least you're not trying to bite me again, huh?[/color]" Darthun simply made a low rumble and closed his eyes. Looks like the dragon was accepting her after all.