[center][hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/DG3Bsqv.png?3[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/jMHlMRq.png[/img] [img]http://i.imgur.com/IpeySTH.png?1[/img] [hr][hr][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjY4NmU2Yy5RMmh2YVdObElHRnVaQ0JVY25WMGFDQlFZWEowSURJLC4w/squada-one.regular.png[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma50xzR8jS1rrsltx.gif[/img] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/15ac331c68335dbb41d971265bdf8048/tumblr_inline_mxjzt84MHj1rfmsq0.gif[/img] [b][color=crimson]Location:[/color][/b] Wesley Cone Building [b][color=#506256]Interacting With:[/color][/b] Each other [sub][@Viciousmarrow][@BeastofDestiny][/sub]; Keats and Lucas [sub][@Legion02][@Lasrever][/sub] [color=crimson][b]Unphased → Annoyed → Neutral[/b][/color] [b][color=#506256]Composed → Embarrassed → Serious → Glad[/color][/b] [hr][/center] [color=#506256]“Mr. Masterson. Take a seat.”[/color] Leon waved a hand to the seat that Gianna had recently vacated. The raven haired and strangely pale man was something of an anomaly to the Chief, someone that he rarely ever had to interact with, which was probably a good thing for Elijah. That meant that he was, at the very least, a civil person that security didn’t need to keep an eye on. [color=#506256]”You’re not one that I usually have to worry about, Elijah. Not like Lucas and Keats out there, anyway. I was extremely worried about this incident that happened between you and Gianna last week though, and that’s part of the reason you’re in my office right now.”[/color] Leon went back to the monitors behind him. The cameras only caught what was happening in the halls and other public areas, not what happened within the personal domains of the students or the bathrooms. Firing up the video that he had show Gia earlier, Leon watched it again with silent interest. Although the Warden now knew the reasoning behind Elijah’s actions, the scene was still a disturbing one to behold. Letting it sink in, he folded his hands on his desk and leaned in, staring eye to eye with the man on the other side of the desk. While he studied him, he realized that Elijah was blind, and he might not have even seen the video being played. A sudden dawning of guilt hit him. [color=#506256]“Shit. I forgot you couldn’t see. I’m so sorry about that.”[/color] Elijah rounded the chair and took his seat, folding his arms over. His back was straight, posture perfect as he listened to what the Chief Warden had to say, and watched as he turned around to play something for Elijah to ‘watch’. Sitting in complete silence, the pyromancer had to wonder just how long it was going to take for the other male to realize his lack of sight. When it did finally dawn on Leon, Elijah simply held up his hand, [color=crimson]”Just get to the point Warden, why am I here?”[/color] Elijah already knew why when Leon mentioned his incident with Gianna last week, but he might as well have his crimes read off to him. Clearing his throat awkwardly, Leon sat up straight in his chair, tapping a small rhythm out with his finger while he pondered how to proceed. [color=#506256]“Well, I was going to show you the video evidence, but…”[/color] Elijah’s lack of sight certainly threw a monkey wrench at that problem. [color=#506256]”Anyway, you’re here because of what could have been interpreted as sexual harassment or worse against Ms. Gianna Daniels. The video showed a crying Gianna coming out of the bathroom with you in tail. Not exactly footage that works in your favor. On top of that, it’s pretty certain that you destroyed some of the stalls in the women’s bathroom.”[/color] Leon gave his reasonings and wondered how this all seemed to the blind man. It seemed farfetched that a man that was seemingly as docile as Elijah could do this, but maybe he just didn’t know the guy. Elijah tapped his finger against his arm as he listened to Leon patiently. He explained the crimes against him, and yes it was true that he did destroy the stalls in total anger, but the sexual harassment? It could be ‘interpreted’ Leon said, which means that when he spoke with Gianna, she didn’t use that interpretation against him. This was at least somewhat of a relief, but that did make him wonder what Gianna even said to the Warden. [color=crimson]”Yes, I was in the bathroom with Gianna, no it wasn’t sexual harassment, and how certain are you that it was me who destroyed the stalls, or are we simply making assumptions?”[/color] He kept his tone as neutral as always, consistent and serious. [color=#506256]”Ms. Daniels informed me of your… crush… on her. She said that you asked her out while she was in there. Not exactly romantic, if you ask me.”[/color] Leon started. Why Elijah even entered the women’s bathroom was beyond him, though with him being blind and all, the Chief chalked it up to him simply not knowing where he was. The scene probably played out that he was in the bathroom, heard Gianna come in, and then he realized he wasn’t in the right restroom. However, since she was already in there and they were alone, Leon presumed that Elijah just went ahead and asked her out then and there. It seemed like the logical turn of events, anyway. [color=#506256]“Unfortunately, it sounds like she denied your advances. And look, I get it. Getting rejected sucks. I can only imagine what you must have been feeling. So I think it’s extremely likely you took out your frustrations on the stalls.”[/color] There was sympathy in Leon’s voice, trying to understand everything that went on. [color=crimson]”Is that what she told you?”[/color] A slight tinge of annoyance in his tone. Though she didn’t exactly blow the sexual harassment out of the water, this wasn’t exactly the ideal lie that he wanted to hear. This being said, he played along with Gia’s game. Sighing deeply, he let emotion seep into his voice to play the actor’s role, [color=crimson]”Yes, it’s true. I’ve pined for Gianna ever since I met her and her boyfriend years ago. I’ve only heard stories of her beauty, but I’ve ‘seen’ more than that in her. I can’t deny that I felt jealousy for my friend Vincent for being with her, but I held back and ever since he passed on...I waited, but I just couldn’t any longer. I found an opportunity, I took a chance, I was rejected, her love for him is still strong and even though he’s gone, she couldn’t see herself being with me.”[/color] He laid it on, not too thick, but convincing enough that if Gia could get away with such a lie, then he could follow suit. [color=crimson]”I’d never lay a hand on Gianna, but as for the stalls, no, they did not see my wrath. Again, it sounds like you’re making assumptions.”[/color] His tone fell back to neutral. [color=#506256]”Look, let’s forget about the stalls. At worst, I’ll say it was a crime of passion. You’re not going to get punished for it regardless, unless the Headmasters really want to. I don’t really get to decide what happens to who anyway, although I can strongly suggest a course of action to them.”[/color] he explained to the blind man. Leon understood how he felt, and he was certainly glad Elijah had opened up to him about this. [color=#506256]”Think of me as both a counselor and a security guard. I’m here to talk to people about what they’ve done wrong, or otherwise, and to understand what’s happened. Essentially, I resolve all manner of issues, while the Headmasters deal out the real punishments. I have a little authority, but not much.”[/color] The Wardens had always been seen as sort of the campus police, and it was kind of true but perhaps people thought they had more authority than they actually did. They were basically the Headmasters’ bitches and glorified interns to the real security officers. [color=#506256]”Anyway, the only thing I want to do with you is give you an exercise in… dealing with the ladies. Man to man. I don’t want another repeat of this whole ‘let’s ask them out in the bathroom’ scenario. That’s bad form.”[/color] Leon went on, getting to this man’s “punishment” as per Gianna’s request. [color=#506256]”So… I think the best way to do this is with a little bit of roleplaying. I’m going to pretend that I’m a girl of your liking. Don’t think too hard about this, just do what comes naturally to you.”[/color] This was going to be an awkward experience, to say the least, but he was going to do whatever it took to get Elijah straight on what was proper and what was not when it came to asking girls out. He listened to everything the man said involving the Warden’s authority and how they dished out punishments, or rather the headmasters dished out punishments. He was silent the whole way through, that is until Leon decided to bring up his idea on roleplaying and asking girls out on ‘dates’. He sat there, still silent, processing what had just been said to this. He simply stated, [color=crimson]”You can’t be serious…”[/color] As far as Elijah was concerned, based on everything Leon had said, he was free to leave, why he decided to go the extra mile was beyond him. [color=crimson]”You’ve listed my crimes, you aren’t going to punish me for them, I believe our business is concluded.”[/color] Elijah went to stand up and head for the door. [color=#506256]”Wait. You’ve got an appointment with the Headmasters tomorrow at 8am, if they decide to go forth with any punishments. If not, you’ll receive an email. You’ll more than likely receive an email though.”[/color] he called out to the leaving man. He wasn’t going to stop Elijah from leaving, and internally he was glad he didn’t have to act. Otherwise, he might have given a god awful caricature of a woman. [color=#506256]“But seriously, come to me if you have girl issues.”[/color] he added. He paused at the door turning to face Leon again, pausing slightly, [color=crimson]”I think I’ll live without your tutelage, thanks.”[/color] Then he exited, closing the door behind him. Walking out into the lobby area he ended up finding both Lucas and Keats waiting. [color=crimson]”I believe you two are next…”[/color]