“It looks nice.” Kenton replied with a nod and a chipper smile. Look at him! He was having a conversation with someone who wasn’t his brothers! She hadn’t ran away, or start talking badly to him, instead she was engaging him in conversation and even said she liked his eyes. Even if she walked away as if nothing had happened; that little comment made his world spin for the first time in [i]years[/i]. Her mention of his not thinking about him as a devil’s child made his cheeks turn even more red than he already was; it crept up to his ears and he turned his gaze to the floor in a shy gesture. Then… came the comments. Was he surprised? Not really. Was he offended? Yes he was. Not for himself. He was used to it, but the fact that they were going after her. He missed her comment because another wad of paper came flying at her. This time, Kenton rose a hand up and caught the paper. “Listen!” He said, his voice ranging loudly through the library and silence followed his word. “Say what you will about me, and do what you want to me but do not insult or assault a woman in my presence again.” At that, the room fled, “The devil’s child is pissed! Run!” People were shouting, some laughing as they did so, obviously understanding the pointless meaning of the statement while others were stressed and worried he might actually do something to harm them. He crumpled the paper tightly in his hand before his arm dropped to his side and the paper finally fell from his grasp. “I’m sorry…” He said softly closing his eyes, “I think I just made things worse for you.” He scratched the back of his head as he opened his eyes, staring directly at her with an embarrassed look on his face. “I apologize and I understand if you want to leave.”