[center][h2][color=fff200]Amelia Averyonna[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Joshua Tamashii[/color][/h2] [@Caits] [@Roseletta] [@Lunarlors34] [@Zarkun] [@Infichi][/center] Amelia frowned. She knew James had a point, even if she herself didn't like that point. But picking another fight right after the current one ended was pointless, so she would have to let it go for now. Sighing to herself, she looked down at the Chu's that were around her before picking up three of them. She then walked over to Verrick and looked up at him. "[color=fff200]I'm taking these three. Don't ever bring up a my chest size again[/color]." She said, her face growing a bit red as she spoke, before walking away and over to Phlegethon. Looking up at her spirit, she decided to answer James' inquiry about Joshua and Amaya. "[color=fff200]Do you know where Mr. Joshua and Miss Amaya are[/color]?" "[color=9e0b0f]They are below us. They got sent to the sewers earlier and had a small skirmish. Do you want me to bring them up[/color]?" The reaper asked. "[color=fff200]Yes please. Can you send me to Mama then[/color]?" "[color=9e0b0f]Of course Milady[/color]." As soon as the words came out, a portal opened next to James and Joshua and Amaya tumbled out, with Joshua making sure he was between Amaya and the ground. "[color=ed1c24]Oh good... fresh air[/color]." He breathed. He had a few cuts from where the blades tendrils had managed to get past his blade and nicked him, but he hadn't suffered any serious injuries. Slowly sitting up, he sniffed his cloths and pretty much ignored everyone else around them. "[color=ed1c24]Phew. Okay, you and I definitely need shower now, eh Amaya[/color]?" Amelia meanwhile, was sent through a portal to Jamie's location, appearing next to her mother. Turning towards Jamie, she gave her mother a slight bow, making sure not to drop any of the Chu. "[color=fff200]I'm sorry about earlier Mama. I know you wanted to spend time as a family but... it was something I felt I needed to take care of[/color]." She said, not looking up, as she was sure Jamie was at least a little upset with her, even after giving Amelia permission to leave earlier.