[center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/75fb71be326f17b169daefe45dc00ef6/tumblr_nra3axHn2a1ux1dn3o1_500.gif[/img][/center][center][h3][color=Crimson]No Man's Sky[/color][/h3][/center] No Man's Sky is one of the most unique games out there in modern day history. From the small development team to create an 'unlimited' universe, Hello Games will be forever remembered as the development studio that made this game. But, this game has problems with it like any other game out there. Since the game's release, there have been a few players who thought that it would be a whole different kind of game. Is it worth the sixty dollar price tag? Does it live to its hype? Well, the answer isn't as simple as you may think. Since the announcement of No Man's Sky in 2014, many players have expectations for what the game could be. The studio didn't tell us anything about the game until a couple months before the release. No Man's Sky is a first-person, open world survival game. You play as a planetary explorer, called in the game as the Traveller, in an uncharted universe. Your ship has crashed landed on a random, unknown planet and your job is to fix and explore the entire universe. My first planet was on a cold, freezing planet with one moon, and another planet that I could see in the distance. [center][img]http://www.technobuffalo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/No-Mans-Sky-Art-5-630x275.jpg[/img][/center] I was excited to explore my first planet and find life on this frozen planet. After two hours of playing around in my first planet, I already found tons of plant life and four out of eight animal life. Then, I found my first alien, a cute Gek, and tried to talk to it. And I couldn't understand it as the text didn't make sense. Then, I just guess the action based on what I would do and got it ready as it was happy about my choice. I didn't realize then that I needed to learn their language by finding knowledge stones and abandoned places in these worlds. Two more hours have passed by and I already discovered all of the animal life and find more knowledge stones than I expected to. And I went back to my ship and headed towards the moon. And I did the same thing on the moon and the last planet before I have realized that this game was simple and it often repeated the same animal or plant life, but with a different name and skin color. It was a fun game for me still, but I noticed the similarities right away. I wanted to reach to the centre of the galaxy, the main goal of the game, and discover some mind blowing. Of course, I haven't reach the centre yet. But, I do have hope that I will some day. I played the game for several and I faced several bugs and glitches and only crashed once. The FOV felt off for me as I had to turn up my sensitivity to 80 before I felt okay with it. But, I couldn't even move around without feeling like the game was lagging. And the textures on planets would take their time to load up after I have entered the planet's atmosphere. [h3][color=Crimson]Verdict[/color][/h3] No Man's Sky is one of the most interesting game of 2016 so far. Does it live to its hype? It depends on the type of player you're. If you have been following this game for years, then you might not enough it. If you expected this game to have the action scene similar to Mass Effect or XCOM, then you will be disappointed with the game. If you enjoy the open world survival games, then you will like this game. [center][img]http://www.gtigazette.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/no-mans-sky-box-art-640x289.jpg[/img][/center] Hello Studios has achieved in making an entire universe; however, the planets and the animals you discovered feel the same. The game play is basic at best, but it does offer some rewards (like learning new words or discovering updates to your inventory size). The game can get repetitive once you have played for hours and realized that everything is the same. The NPCs like personalities to them that would of made them special to many players. The PC version is filled with bugs and crashes that makes it unplayable. And the FOV is pissing me off as I try to kill animals or mine resources. [sub][s]this is what I get for getting it on the PS4 since you can't change it[/s][/sub] This game is a breath of fresh air for those who are tired of FPS games, like myself. You should also get the soundtrack of the game as you will love the music in the game. Thankfully, Hello Studios is planning to add in more features later on in the game's life. And I plan on waiting for them as I wander off into several more systems, discovering more knowledge stones, animals, and planets. [center][h2][color=Crimson]7.7/10[/color][/h2][/center]