[hider= Aqua Prince] [center] [img]http://comicsalliance.com/files/2013/12/submar002.jpg[/img] [color=0054a6][h1][b]Joshua Curry/ Arid Atla-son[/b][/h1][/color] [color=0054a6][b]Aqua Prince[/b][/color] [/center] [color=0054a6][b]Age:[/b][/color] 24 [color=0054a6][b]Race:[/b][/color] Royal Atlantean [color=0054a6][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Male [color=0054a6][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Joshua is the son of a king. He might be the second born but he still likes too look down on everyone. Where his older sister sees the Atlanteans as her people, Joshua sees them as his subjects. Some might say he has anger issues, other just call him a hothead. While he might seem like an arrogant idiot at first, and perhaps even after that, he got the heart of his grandfather. He would never let someone he cared about get hurt and is deep down what some would call a hopeless romantic. [color=0054a6][b]Quirks:[/b][/color] He gets incredibly angry when someone even jokes about him talking to fish. [color=0054a6][b]Likes:[/b][/color] The Ocean, honesty, being in charge [color=0054a6][b]Fears:[/b][/color] Fear? I AM A PRINCE OF ATLANTIS I FEAR NOTHING! (His Father, extreme heights) [color=0054a6][b]Powers:[/b][/color] [u]Royal Atlantean Physiology:[/u] -Amphibious Nature -Superhuman Strength -Superhuman Stamina & Durability -Superhuman Speed & Reflexes -Enhanced Senses -Marine Telepathy [color=0054a6][b]Strengths:[/b][/color] Commanding, fighting, his willpower [color=0054a6][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/color] Joshua must return to the water every once in a while or he will dehydrate. Medium dehydration will severely weaken him, strong dehydration is fatal. [color=0054a6][b]Skills:[/b][/color] Fantastic Swimmer, more than capable fighter, speaks several languages, very educated [color=0054a6][b]History:[/b][/color] Joshua was born the grandson of Arthur Curry, or Aquaman. His father, Otim is the now reigning King of Atlantis. Being the second born to his older sister Merine, Joshua was never destined for the throne but none the less got the best education and training of both Atlantis and the surface world. Since the reign of Aquaman Atlantis enjoyed good relations with the surface world and Atlantean embassies were build all around the world. The young Joshua was tutored by his grandfather Arthur and grandmother Mera, was thought fighting by the finest warriors of Atlantis and several martial artist of the surface and through his influence as royalty he studied politics, language and history at Oxford, Delhi, Yale and Berlin. While he traveled the surface world for his education and training, the press started to take an interest in the young, good looking prince much to his dismay. With 23 he came back to Atlantis after his years of studying. It was not long after that his father send him to Bludhaven, to investigate the superhuman threat and more importantly, life without his privileges he always carried with him... [color=0054a6][b]Rumors:[/b][/color] - Joshua was sent to the surface to learn about the superhuman threat, and to lose his temper. - His father, the son of Aquaman and reigning king of Atlantis sent him. - Rumor has it that he had a son with a young woman in Germany. - Some say he once, in his youth, struck a deal with powerful and terrifying forces of the deep sea. - The tabloid press and several talk shows approached him for interviews. [/hider]