I don't like how people who didn't like the Ghostbusters reboot were automatically called sexists and assumed that they didn't like it, because it has an all-women cast. I felt bad that The Angry Video Game Nerd got all of the hate because he wasn't going to review the reboot. And people called a sexist, even know he didn't mention the female cast in a negative light. The movie overall was okay. The CGI and the pace were bad. There were some jokes that made me laughed and the cameos were okay-ish. Kristen Wiig made me laugh. Both of Angry Joe's reviews on Ghostbusters is what I feel about the film., I will link them so you can go watch his review. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mCP937VRfI4]Review without spoilers[/url] and the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4m6F9g9Mu64]review with spoilers[/url].