[center][h1][color=DAA520]Hoverfly[/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://s9.postimg.org/6pd8l3vun/spitfire.png[/img][/center] [center][b][u]Name[/u][/b] - Christopher Gannet[/center] [center][u][b]Alias-[/b][/u] Hoverfly[/center] [center][u][b]Age -[/b][/u] 25[/center] [center][u][b]Race -[/b][/u] Meta-Human[/center] [center][u][b]Gender -[/b][/u] Male[/center] [center][u][b]Appearance - [/b][/u] Christopher stands at around 6 foot. He has dark brown hair which he usually keeps tucked inside a baseball cap, or some other kind of hat. He has grass-green eyes, and pretty white teeth. He normally wears vest tops, which highlight the large tattoo on his right arm. Jeans and any kind of decent shoe he can dig up typically don the lower half of his body.[/center] [center][u][b]Personality -[/b][/u] Christopher is what you'd call a very adventurous person. He lives by the phrase "You only live once", and this often means he makes stupid decisions. He is very confident, and very open and flirtatious with girls that he finds attractive or cute. If he doesn't like someone or something, he will make sure that everybody knows it. However, despite his bubbly exterior, he has some mental scars that run extremely deep. He has currently never opened this up to anyone.[/center] [center][u][b]Quirks -[/b][/u] He has a croaky, high pitched and somewhat annoying laugh which seems to get on the nerves of a lot of the people he knows.[/center] [center][u][b]Likes -[/b][/u] -Hot girls -Alcohol -Baseball -The gym[/center] [center][u][b]Dislikes -[/b][/u] -Ugly girls -Boring people -Deep conversation[/center] [center][u][b]History -[/b][/u] Christopher was born in rural upstate New York. The nearest neighbour was hundreds of feet away from his childhood home, which would become very unfortunate later. His mother was unemployed and his father worked in pest animal removal. Christopher's father would frequently take him out hiking, or salmon fishing in the nearby river. His mother wasn't as close to Christopher as his father, but they remained a close and happy family. Until the accident. When Christopher was 8, his father was driving home from a job a few miles away, and a truck swerved into the lane out of nowhere. Chris's father was killed. The accident tore the family apart. His mother was absorbed in grief and grew even more distant from him. During this time, he begun to notice that he could do strange things. He could lift himself off the ground for a few seconds, and jump further than other people. Before this, he didn't have any reason to notice powers, but being so lonely, he did. A year later, Christopher's mother begun dating Tom, a hulking, muscular beast of a man who worked in a nearby town. In a matter of months they were married. To say that Tom was a dickhead was a bit of an understatement. He verbally berated Christopher, and frequently punched him and pushed him around. His mother did nothing, as she was too smitten with Tom to care. The abuse got worse and worse as the years went by. During these years, Christopher had started to control and perfect his powers. He could now levitate himself to the top of his house, and float over it. And finally, at the age of 14, contending with nearly 6 years of abuse, Christopher snapped. Tom went to punch him after Chris spilled a glass of water. This time, Christopher hit back. He stormed at Tom and flew them both out of the window, and after 5 minutes he dropped Tom down into the woods. Christopher didn't go back to the house. He flew until he reached a small town. He begged some people for food, and found a small spot under an overpass to sleep. The next day, he set off again. He flew for 10 minutes at a time, resting in between each section. Finally, he saw something on the horizon. Skyscrapers. He had reached New York City. The towering buildings and bustling people came as a shock to 14 year old Christopher. He managed to find a homeless shelter and stayed there. He would go behind it during the day and refine his powers. He moved from shelter to shelter, and nobody ever turned him down, because who could turn down a 14 year old admittance to a shelter. By the time he was 16, his powers were now very refined. He often found himself flying up to the top of the incredible buildings and just sitting there, watching the city from the sky. He began to notice something about New York. The crime. Muggings, rape, assault. Soon enough, he put two and two together and realised that he could use his powers to help victims. Christopher had heard of the superheroes of old, and decided he would need a mask. He found an old yellow and black hoodie stuffed in a dumpster, and he donned it to fight crime in NYC. Because of his hoodie disguise, he soon picked up the alias of Hoverfly. At age 18 he found work in a bar. This was when he began to really notice women. Being isolated from the sexual education a boy usually had at that age, women were new and exciting. Their bodies and their hair, all were exciting and an adventure. Being a bartender also exposed him to alcohol, which he took a shine to immediately. By age 19 he was no longer a quiet and reserved homeless boy - he was a wild and YOLO-loving party animal. After a few years of solo crime fighting, he met up with some of the other superheroes of NYC, and together they formed a small group. It was a great success, and the hot girls in the group made it a whole lot better. He had rented out a small apartment, which made it easier to, well, you know. Working as a team was much more efficient than working on your own. He understood why the Justice League that he had heard of, was found centuries ago. However, all good things must come to an end. The other members of the group weren't answering calls. He went around to their respective apartments, no sign. He never saw them again. He waited a year for any of them to turn up, and they never did. He continued fighting crime, but it just wasn't the same. He heard a report of the same thing happening to other superhero teams across the globe. Fearing that whoever did this would be back to finish the job, Christopher left NYC for good. He had heard that Bludhaven was a place where a lot of superheroes were going, so that's where he decided to go. He quickly found a bartending job in Bludhaven, and now he waits for the other superheroes of the city. [/center] [center][u][b]Powers -[/b][/u] Levitation - Christopher can lift himself up off the ground and fly quite high, and for very long distances. He has also found that he is able to levitate other things a little, however this power is very limited and he cannot do anything practical with it. [/center] [center][u][b]Strengths -[/b][/u] -He is quite physically strong -Obviously, his levitation powers are a strength -He is pretty confident -Suave with the ladies[/center] [center][u][b]Weaknesses -[/b][/u] -His "YOLO" nature often leads him to making stupid and reckless decisions -Because of what he went through as a child, if someone makes a joke about abuse, he becomes blindly angry -He isn't all that smart, because of having his education cut short. -He hates anyone called Tom[/center] [center][u][b]Skills -[/b][/u] -He can throw a pretty good punch -Good with girls -Good at fishing, because of what he learned from his father at a young age[/center] [center][u][b]Rumours -[/b][/u] There was a rumour going around that Christopher was an actual hybrid between a human and a hoverfly. This is, needless to say, false.[/center]