[center]“There's an out if you'd rather go” Wolff offers as he enters through the doors, the gruff edge to his voice gone for once. He felt tired and with the amount of blood staining his clothes, he knew he wouldn't sleep well. He'd checked the wolves and had helped Ynez and Evian move them to the back of the mansion, both wolves searching for a good place to bury their fallen packmates. Wolff closed his eyes for a moment before moving forward and grabbing a spare washcloth, dropping to his knees he begins to scrub. A half hour later he rises to his feet and dumps the rag into the clear bucket of cleaning solution, his other hand reaching for the first bucket. With little effort he lifted it and took it to the nearest bathroom, his steps seeming to echo in the silence of the mansion. “Are you free?” A soft voice questions as he finishes washing the dirtied water from the bottom of the bucket, Wolff pauses to glance over. Lye is leaning against the doorframe, her arms crossed and her eyes blinking open. He nods and exits the room when she moves away, they head back to the foyer with quiet steps. “I managed to heal Kieran’s wounds-” She pauses when Wolff tenses and stills at her side, blue eyes meet golden. “-He's fine but I'd rather you check on him, I'll help down here.” It wasn't a dismissal from the Mage, it was more of a suggestion and after glancing at Clara and Christian he nods. “On it.” is all he can think to answer with as he move to go up the stairs, shoulders rolling as he reached the top step. Now that Wolff noticed he hadn't seen Ryanair or Kieran, his pace quickened as he followed the faint scent of copper. Knocking twice the Healer opened the door and entered after taking in the scene before him. Ryanair was curled in the windowsill with his head on his bent knees, Kieran asleep on the bed with a glowing stone in his hand. “Lye helped with the bleeding and open wounds, the crystal is a modified ward with healing factors.” Ryanair’s sleepy voice stilled the Healer just as he reached the other vampire, Wolff blinks and focuses for a moment on the blonde. He wasn't tense anymore and seemed to have relaxed, Wolff offers a nod before moving to lean over Kieran. His breathing is deep and with practiced ease, Wolff removes the blankets covering him and opens the first aid kit someone left on the bed. Once the wounds are dressed and Kieran is tucked under the sheets once more, Wolff speaks to the blonde. “Let's head downstairs and make breakfast.” The usual bite still isn't in his tone and he turns to the open door, his hands folded behind his back. Soft footsteps alert him that Ryanair is behind him and after a moment he leads the other downstairs, his jaw clenching at where the others were still cleaning. Entering the kitchen, both find Esther already at the stove. None of them speak as they set out to make food, the familiar sounds of pots and pans filling the silence. It's the little things that matter. [/center] [@earlymorninstar]