Cassandra was sitting in the washroom, combing her hair and humming a little tune to herself. She had just seen her girlfriend, Duniva, for the last time until after the first year. It didn't bother Cassandra that her own girlfriend wouldn't be attending her wedding. After all, that would just cause way too much drama given how possessive Duniva was. But it was Duniva who had given the okay for her to do this, so it bothered her none. So long as they got to see each other again and Duniva would still love her, Cassandra had no issue with any of this. A sigh leaves Cassandra's mouth as she sets the brush down and picks up her phone, which was an old razor phone. She saw no need for smart phones because she always wanted to look at the beauty of the world around her rather than down at some silly screen all day. Cassandra opened up her messages and looked at them. Of course, her friends were just now getting here for the ceremony. Having no real family of her own, Cassandra only invited her truly close friends, which consisted of Duniva's older brother and his family, and her martial arts teacher, Kiadi. It wasn't by any means a large group of people, having a count of only five people in all, but they were who she loved with all her heart and she so wanted them to be there. As for how Cassandra felt about the whole marrying a stranger thing, she could only say that she was excited. She wasn't scared or nervous, just excited. Trying new things was one of Cassandra's favorite things to do, especially when it was a huge adventure such as this. Cassandra's heart raced a bit as she noticed the time. The ceremony was starting soon and she felt like she was running a bit late. She always felt like that, to be fair, always preferring to arrive to events an hour early rather than on schedule. She figured she would likely be the first person down there aside from the people setting it all up. Besides, this gave her time to meet with her friends right before she had to go.